
Ornella's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Ornella's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Yeah but that's not the true definition he never said that when he wrote murder you could modify it and I'm pretty sure he meant the " illegal killing" type of murder anyway

1 point

Bastard isn't swearing cunt,fuck,bitch,shit is not bastard also you could be lying that's it's your first time swearing also it isn't a swear word so...

1 point

It can't be murder since its legal to kill animals for food and Murder is illegal so....

1 point

I think they should be treated exactly the same except for the fact that people would be a bit more understanding and kinder towards deaf people due to their disability and know that they ARE deaf before completely taking them for a un- deaf person.

1 point

Smoking doesn't do any good so I don't even know why it's still is legal! Making it illegal will help loads of people from dying and being unhappy knowing they have heart disease, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( C.O.P.D) and lots more health threatening things!

1 point

Well it depends because if your hiding under the sheets then the ghost might not see you and think it's just a bed sheet but then ghosts might have a special power to see or sense things idk you'd have to know more about ghosts to tell really. But I suppose to a limit it can only sometimes help you hide from them if their in your room otherwise it's not like it's a barrier that ghosts from other places ( other than your room)cant go through.

1 point

Dumbledore has a longer beard. Makes him way more wiser than gandalf.

1 point

1.Why are people born with deformities?

To show that however you look you can still be happy and live a happy life and the people that don't it's because they don't let themselves have a happy life

2.Why can't people get jobs no matter how hard they try?

Maybe there not trying hard enough and it's how life is. Some people do get jobs , some people don't. If everyone was supposed to get a job there would barely be no poverty and so people would live selfishly and always be hungry for money it's just too easy.

3.Why do some people escape wars unhurt while others get shrapnel in their backs, lose limbs and are stuck with post traumatic stress disorder?

Again. it's life luck and chance. If wars were so safe that everyone wouldn't mind trying out there wouldn't even be any wars and if there weren't wars any wars people would have a boring life and would have no great memories of the time whoever beat whoever, children ( especially boys) wouldn't have any fun pretending to fight each other and have fun. Of course it would be easier without wars but that's just the way God wanted it to be it's not his fault anything happened it's the fault of the person who started it.

4. Why do some people work their whole lives and become wealthy only to lose their wealth to people like Bernard Madoff?

Oh no hard luck you just went from being rich to normal poor you. Also , for a reason and it's their fault for loosing it to someone like that in the first place.

5. Why do bullies exist?

Everyone's born with a personality, if everyone had the same personality might as well make one person on earth. Bullies are,are when they are sad and let out their anger on other people to make them feel better about themselves. They are sad , why? Because of whatever is happening at home. The personality of their parents reflect on their child/children so if a parent just doesn't care about anything including their child/children th their child/children will feel not important therefore will make someone less important than themselves by hurting them or if the parents are rich and selfish then their child/children will take advantage of that to bully lesser kids. Its not just sad children who bully and take this , if two parents are poor but extremely kind and generous then it doesn't matter how hard they are struggling because their child will act like them , there his/hers role model. But then why are parents like that anyway... Because that's just how they are and how they were brought up and made through a lot of generations. God had to make people different so different that even bullies are made but it's done for the benefit of everyone so they can meet and have fun with people who are different and not just different by personality.

6. Why does mental illness exist?

Mental disorders are usually defined by a combonation of how a person feels , acts , thinks or perceives. It's not gods fault and if he made everyone fine without problems they wouldnt learn anything and let alone the most important things they would never know like sadness, sympathy, or feel sorry for anyone and lots more emotions.

7.Why doesn't praying work?

If everything went according to plan for you and praying did work people would take advantage of that fact and ask God for useless things regardlesess of he did them or not he just didn't want people to take it for granted. Praying does work but only to those who really need it! It's very rare that people extremely need use for it to work so people think that it doesn't work because it happens very rarely.

8. If he/she does exist why would he chose some people just to get screwed in life while others go on to have happy successful lives?

So we can learn and know not and how not to make any mistakes on how to screw up your own life. Also if someone does everything to screw up their own life God can't do anything about it it's their choice not his , if he knew he had to do something about it he would of done it. I agree it's. It fair but it's just how it's , God doesn't chose anything for you except the world you live in and whatever world you think you live in change it if you don't like it but are there for a reason.

Hoped this helped!😋👍🏻

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