
SlashinatorX's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of SlashinatorX's arguments, looking across every debate.

If I have the chance to date a older woman that I like then I should be allowed to date her.

I want no police involved!

Exactly man. You've got it.

Just leave the kids alone you fucken fascists!

Yeah good work! good job protecting the children by putting them in prison for the rest of their lives & having them labeled as sex offenders.

there are alot of teens who date for years.

-2 points

Teen sexting is in fact a felony. They will be labeled as sex offenders & will go to prison.

You need to live & let live

Wait why are we hostiles then?

We agree on this

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

We are discussing sexual activity between 2 minors the same age.

Example: A 14 year old boy & a 14 year old girl are dating & really love each other. They go home & do stuff like making out, taking their clothes off, having sex, & sleeping naked together.

Should the government interfere with that?

Should the police arrest them & have them charged with having sex while under the age of consent?

Yes it is literally. That means you just tagged it as arrest them.

If you dont think they should be arrested or punished by the government then dont tag that.

Well by 53mins 19secs ago | Tagged As: Yes arrest them!

it looks like you do want the nazis I mean police snooping around in bedrooms.

it looks like you do want to arrest everyone who has underage sex.

were all sinners. so are you.

I have friends my age that have had sex & they're some of the nicest people I know.

You fascists who want them to get arrested or other just make me sick.

They do not deserve any of the shit you want to happen to them.

Thats it. Im tired of you fascist totalitarians poisoning my debates.

Im just gonna ban you for your fascist ageist views.

Im giving you fascists a taste of your own medicine.

Thats it. Im tired of you fascist totalitarians poisoning my debates.

Im just gonna ban you for your fascist ageist views.

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