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This personal waterfall shows you all of Talkative's arguments, looking across every debate.
-1 points

Haha facts don’t stop the left from shouting dad waycist!!

-1 points

What’s the point of this debate? I don’t get it. Is there even a debate? No questions asked.

I know you socialists fail at even the most basic economics, but you’re failing setting up a debate too.

Talkative(51) Clarified
-1 points

Except I’m not American lol.

Well you can measure it simply because from nothing America became the greatest nation ever. Largest economy, highest living standards, huge cultural influence, massive military force (arguably good or bad what they did with that) etc.

The only thing holding America back is the left. From slavery, fascism, socialism to cultural Marxism, post modernism etc the left has only made things worse.

Yes Magna Carta was great, revolutionary (the 1225 version) and the pinnacle of Magna Carta and the ideas behind it and how the English Parliament made it almost redundant practically not historically led to the US constitutional

1 point

Lol yeah it would be a great moment of troll. However it would mean stooping to the standards of the left and being as dishonest and malicious as them and I just can’t do that

1 point

So that makes it excusable? What is the average age of you socialists? 15? You can’t be this immature at an older age.

Talkative(51) Clarified
1 point

I’m guessing you’re American. Have you no idea what the US Constitution is? It’s the greatest political document created in the history of mankind. That’s a great system to follow.

If you don’t know or understand it I have no problem getting into it

-1 points

I can't argue that crony capitalism doesn't work because countries who practice it have increasing living standards, wages, growing economies etc etc.

Clearly it's unfair and it would be best to get the government out of the way, however it is by far a better option than socialism. Pretty much every option out there is better than socialism. Possibly even fascism is better than socialism, but maybe not for me as I'm an ethnic.

1 point

It's just killing in general. There hasn't been one single communist utopia where millions haven't died.

3 points

America is one of the greatest nations to have ever existed. BY FAR. Only Britain is up there with it.

The reason the right claims is is because we compare US + UK with the rest of the world and clearly these 2 countries stood above all others in many ways.

However the left compares them with a mythical non existent utopia to which no nation could compare to and use that as it's basis for saying its not great.

Silly really.

1 point

Typical lefty argument. That wasn't REAL socialism.

What's funny is that the right hardly ever does this. I don't think I've ever heard anybody on the right state completely that that's not REAL capitalism. Haha

1 point

But yes Nazis had huge overlaps with socialist theory. That's why they defined themselves as National socialists and not just the regular types

2 points

From what I know Hitler did want a Jewish state for them all to go to and leave Europe. But I doubt it was for the good of the Jews and was probably so they could be rounded up in one place and killed there.

-1 points

What about all the lies uncovered during the investigation into Hillary, where he claimed not to know certain things but it later came out he did?

TBH I'm sure there's millions of lies. And saying there's 57 states isn't a lie as much as its just getting something wrong.

1 point

I'm a capitalist. I own a small building company. I have 3-7 employees (all capitalists) depending on how busy I am. They CHOSE to work for me. They CHOOSE to stay working for me. They have 1000's of options to work anywhere else, yet they prefer to work for me. Where is the injustice or immorality?

Don't runaway from this like last time. Answer the questions if you're not scared and if you have any conviction in what you believe.

1 point

You don't seem to understand that 'the people' controlling the Government in your fantasy land will always be a minority of the population. All those people will be doing is controlling the rest of the country via the government. It would be the tyranny of the majority, well technically minority.

The 51% rules the 49%

Wouldn't it be better if nobody rules anybody?

-1 points

Ok let's just pretend everything he says is a lie. Did Obama not lie? Did Bernie not lie? Or does everybody else in the world tell the truth apart from Trump and his supporters?

You do realise this is politics. Everyone is a liar.

What's more important is the effects of his presidency. In pretty much every measure it's been successful.

If the left didn't have a nuclear meltdown every single time Trump opened his mouth, I wouldn't be wasting as much time arguing with their BS and would spend more time agreeing with them on things he's actually done wrong, or they could bring to me things that he's genuinely done wrong instead of calling him Hitler just because they both mutually drink water.

1 point

Honestly, to label you the village idiot would be a gargantuan understatement. The village idiot would thrash you in any mainstream intelligence test.

A village idiot requires me to be in a village. Am I in a village?

Honestly, to label you the city idiot would be a gargantuan understatement. The city idiot would thrash you in any mainstream intelligence test

Talkative(51) Clarified
1 point

You sound like you’re against socialism but you’ve posted on the side for socialism.

1 point

So Karl Marx was also great. At spouting nonsense.

He isn't great at economics you daft twit.

But you just said Marx is great at economics. Can you make your mind up

-1 points

What did i straw man or misrepresent?? Clearly I asked if I was wrong and gave a chance to respond

-1 points

Being influential is quite obviously part of being great, dummy.

So Donald Trump is great according to you

He never studied economics. He’s never cited in economic journals or textbooks. Only in social sciences lol

1 point

Having an opinion opposing yours is rude?

Calm down Hitler please don’t send me to the gulag

1 point

Influential doesn’t mean great.

He’s not even an economist. Lol

You’d know that if you were even half as intelligent as you claim to be

1 point

I wouldn’t ban a single person if they weren’t rude. It’s true what they say about how only young people are socialists, but become conservatives once they grow up.

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