
TheBogle88's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of TheBogle88's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

As long as they come with an instructional pamphlet, I'm for it.

1 point

you were on drugs and booze when you went to school..., that explains a lot ;)

Like my proper sentence structure? The glaring absence of ;) after every single one of my comments? Perhaps it's my attempt to understand your drivel that has you confused.

1 point

What abstinence? Who said anything about abstinence? Do you see the word, "abstinence" anywhere in my argument? I am preaching common sense. If you can't afford, you must abort ;)

Because abortions are so cheap and easy to come by? You may not have said abstinence, but that is what's being taught at most of our schools. We need to institute comprehensive sex education, as well as raising awareness on the detrimental effects of child-bearing too early in life.

1 point

You sound like the type that can't do drugs and booze and pass a class ;) Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut, I did.

1 point

Not true at all, Howard Roark, the protagonist of the Fountainhead. Good thing I didn't cite the Fountainhead.

No, it was obvious that you are wrong given the proper definition of monopoly. I disagree; although no corporation has successfully instituted a monopoly, a complete implementation was largely due to anti-trust legislation.

1 point

Isn't your god subject to infinite regression as well? Indeed, it is. Yup.

1 point

So, science sucks because we don't know everything yet? Why do you assume our ignorance is evidence for a creator?

1 point

There will be many more denominations of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. It's going to suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

3 points

Yes, it will still be here. Two-hundred years isn't really a long enough time-frame to hypothesize such wondrous things.

1 point

There once was a god in the gaps, who oft would recede into naps. By night and by day, he wasted away until his whole body collapsed.

1 point

I didn't say or imply it was monopolistic. Taggart Transcontinental was in the process of trying to establish a monopoly on rail service before Dagny parted ways with her brother and established the John Galt line (which she wasn't able to maintain anyway)

1 point

"cap·i·tal1 [kap-i-tl] Show IPA


1. the city or town that is the official seat of government in a country, state, etc.: Tokyo is the capital of Japan.

2. a city regarded as being of special eminence in some field of activity: New York is the dance capital of the world.

3. capital letter.

4. the wealth, whether in money or property, owned or employed in business by an individual, firm, corporation, etc.

5. an accumulated stock of such wealth.

Rand never said that inheritance is earned. And much to her detriment, since every protagonist in her novel relies on inheritance to advance in the world. Without their inheritance, they would not have been able to do anything of any importance at all; they would have been moochers by Ayn's own standards.

Again, already been through the monopoly thing before. Indeed you have, and you are still wrong.

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