
Tigra07's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Tigra07's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

God didn't make man or woman you inbred

Adam and Eve have kids, then what?

Their kids have kids with each other, then their kids, and theirs, and so on

Religion is a joke for uneducated people who couldn't explain the sky, the sun, or why we don't fall off the other side of the world

3 points

We can reproduce and we do

The fact of population is that there are currently too many people for the Earth's resources to handle

Gay people represent higher adoption rates to clean up the mess of straight people, to lower the population of people having children they cant care for

Gay people have been around since the times of the Romans and will continue to exist in the future

As it is now countries like the UK, Portugal, Spain and even Pakistan have or are overtaking America on Gay rights

The Americans didn't act on Womens rights until others challenged them to

They didn't act on slavery until challenged

And they won't act on Gay rights now even though there are many gay women and black people challenging them

Gay people pay taxes, they are entitled to the same rights

3 points

If you believe in God and use him in your argument then you believe clearly that you are inbred - and that can only strengthen your biggoted argument

We will have gay marriage, with each new generation it gets closer as the old prejudices die off a little with the old biggots who pass them to their children

We will win, its just a matter of time until you die and your kids make us legally equal

3 points

Yes of course it should

No majority ever has the right to decide the life of a minority, which does no harm to anyone

It was that logic, which cause the slave trade and while you still decide how others should live then they are slaves

"Why don't you try and use the art of persuasion to convince my that a lifestyle that causes early death (@45yrs of age) high rates of infectious diseases, depression and suicide is really a good thing. And that it is some how the more loving thing to do to let someone destroy their life."

- Find one single gay person over 45 should be impossible then?

- straight people can catch those same diseases, they just have better access to healthcare without being discriminated against

- depression and suicide again cause by discrimination and the struggle to accept yourself as different in a world with so many biggots and small minded people

- The above quote was wrote by a clearly retarded person who would have owned a slave, voted against womens and black peoples rights and can't see that being gay is not a disease, it is natural and present in over 500 species

Gay marriage would not and cannot harm straight marriage

It is proven that gay marriages are more stable and that the most suitable family environment is actualy with two lesbian mothers

If anything harms marriage it is straight people like britney spears and people who pass their prejudice onto their kids

1 point

Women are seen only as sex objects by most men

While a lot of people will assume they can get in on the action, they fail to see that women arent lesbians so that men can act out fantasies and have threesomes

They are lesbians because they aren't sexually attracted to men

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