
WildMonkey's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of WildMonkey's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Unless she went to the surgeon to get warped uneven breasts then yes.

1 point


Why should we reward inefficiency, blatant thievery, and exploitation?

Companies are supposed to ADAPT to changing situations, if the demand is no longer there then they should change tactics, I see no debate in this.

Giving the money only delays the inevitable, it doesn't fix anything! It just STEALS taxpayer money in order to maintain already too lavish executive lifestyles.

4 points

Although I tend to agree with Monetarists that markets should be left alone, one has to stop and think about the world we live in.

People in power or not will always try to exploit the system (current financial situation) so agree in the Keynesian view of government imposed limits to avoid extreme problematic situations.

Games aren't any fun when they don't have rules.

2 points

I've always wondered why people tend to idolize people that they don't know just because they celebrities. I haven't the foggiest on this one, they really don't contribute anything of real value to society. Why do we idolize them instead of scientist that actually change the world? Why are we obsessed with dancing dropouts than people of real achievement?

2 points

If you can't concentrate enough to handle a minor distraction like an billboard then shouldn't be allowed to drive, there are more important things to worry about while driving.

1 point

A thing that doesn't exist can't love.

5 points

If you want racism to end you shouldn't engage in racist debates. Why? Cause race doesn't matter, simple. Debating whether this or that is racist IS racist.

We don't debate whether things are offensive to people with large curved earlobes, or straight, why? Cause it doesn't matter one damn bit on who the person is.

2 points

Positive thinking is proven to be beneficial to health, not hard to see why. You're better off (in all forms) being happy than miserable.

But prayer is not positive thinking, it's wishful thinking, it's the acknowledgment of powerlessness.

You are no better praying than not, well except for the lost time and false hope.

3 points

Even though I'm sure that humans will find other things to "worship" they will no longer be tied to the irrational beliefs that religion adheres to.

People will continue to war, but at least no in the name of invisible beings that have the power to create the universe and all it's splendor but seem to be conveniently absent to help us figure out our own little (in comparison) problems.

3 points

Don't non-profits need to be engaged in real, quantitative, socially acceptable activities? Like toy for tots, make a wish foundation, the salvation army, etc...

Other than promulgating faith what does the church contribute to society that requires then to keep all their donations?

How do they justify not contributing (financially) to society in the form of taxation?

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