
Dpu2010's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Dpu2010's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

That is true. It is still a free service and should be treated as such.

1 point

This is not an argument at all. There is no way to argue without logic.

-1 points

That might be what Google says publicly, but Google can change its terms that you agreed to any time.

-1 points

Those statements don't necessarily correlate. Just because information is private does not exclude every possible party from viewing the information.

-2 points
1 point

If you are using Google's services, you have no right to privacy when using their products.

2 points

Since we are using the present tense, "is better", for the question, previous experiences do not apply to this current situation. Therefore, the fact that Bender was God is unimportant unless he is God in the present.

2 points

Optimus Prime first came into creation in 1984 while the first appearance of Bender was in 1999. Thus, if we are to respect our elders, Optimus Prime should be deemed better.

2 points

Better can be defined as "greater or larger". Since Optimus Prime is technically larger than Bender, he could be considered "better".

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