
Girl4trump's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Girl4trump's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

benghazi......Don adams...John ashe...robert bates...need i go on....

she is also involved in many scandals and not to mention her health...

Hillary has tried to silence rape victims...did you know that

1 point

are you stupid? im sorry but hillary has been linked to many many deaths

1 point

BACK THE BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

Also i would like to ask you why you are voting Hillary...

1 point

Thank you for asking.

1) if we have a lot of illegal immigrants here that means that they are getting free healthcare paid for by the tax payers if they are illegal that means they don't pay taxes which means we pay for them to live here but they don't put any money back into the system. We can NOT survive with that kind of money loss.

2)Increasing security and deporting more illegal immigrants.

1 point

Thank you for letting me know... i still would vote trump but i thank you for sharing any and all information.

1 point

I believe he has the right to sit or stand... personally I ALWAYS stand and have the up-most respect for all branches of the military... I believe that he should only do it if it is what he truly believes, not just to get attention... If black oppression is such a big problem then why has he done NOTHING to help out?....

1 point

I believe what I believe because Trump is NOT a racist dang Hillary is a murderer and a lire, trump dosen't constantly change views... but Hillary does In an interview from 2008 Hillary states that we should stop illegal immigration by building a wall but now she is saying that we need to let everyone in...

1 point

I agree with Trump 100% I believe that illegal immigration is a growing problem in our country and that we need to find a solution. Vote TRUMP!!!!! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain

3 points

Well i think a murderer is unfit for the Office of President

3 points

I would vote trump because i wouldn't want a murderer and a lire in the white house. I often get told that I am "against my gender" because I wouldn't vote Hillary, I a not against a women in the white house I am against Hillary in the white house.

1 point

we do NOT need feminism in the western world. Women are not opressed and we do not live in a rape culture. Feminism is no longer about getting equal rights, now it is about female superiority!

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