
Jeremiah's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Jeremiah's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

You seem to believe that your tolerant position is better than an intolerant one. If you truly didn't find your own tolerance better, why wouldn't you just adopt intolerance some days, or decide whether to be tolerant or intolerant by flipping a coin. It would be all the same, after all.

Let me put it another way. Let's say I strenuously disagree with you. Not only are my ideas better than other people's ideas, but anyone with different ideas is a heretic so offensive to God that he ought to be killed. Is this belief of mine inferior to the belief that other people's ideas should be respected?

3 points

Even if Obama is a non-citizen, the Democratic ticket still won the presidential election. If Obama were deemed ineligible for the presidency, Joe Biden would become president.

In order for McCain to have even a chance at becoming president, the Supreme Court would have to rule, absent any law or legal tradition, that the U.S. must hold another election. This is enormously unlikely, as it would entirely ignore the Constitution's rules for transferring the presidency should the president become unable to serve (through death or impeachment).

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