
Lilbit09's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Lilbit09's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

In my opinion it is better off to be fatherless because if you have a lousy father that doesn't work or do anything for you then how is that helping you be a better person and make something of yourself? It's not. I never have met my father and that doesn't bother me, yea sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be that "Daddy's little girl", but not having a father has only made a stronger person. I have other men in my family who I would consider to be a father figure to me like for example my grandpa. Having a lousy father might as well be the same as not having one I think.

1 point

No, I would not turn my husband in if he commited murder I would listen to his story because maybe it wasn't intentional and even if it was or not I still wouldn't. It would be tough not to tell and I'm pretty sure i would be in shock for awhile, but when you love someone you do crazy things for that person and if he were to go down then i guess I'd be the one to go down with him. I know it would probably ruin me, but I'd risk it all for him.

0 points

I would have to say having a personal pursuit is better, your life is your life and what you choose to make out of it is your deciscion. I belive in the quote "Good things happen to good people." I can have a billion dollars and feel happy and very weathly, but if I can use some of it to help someone who really needs it like a unweathly family or even my own family who is stuggling then I would be even more happier and feel like I made a difference. Yes, at times I can be selfish, but I believe that everyone is every now and then. My personal pursuit is to graduate and go to community college first for my basics then attend PCI for a nursing asstitant so that way I can help other people in need.

1 point

Yes, I think that Shakespeare's work should continue should be studied at the high school level because even though students may think that it is boring it's a really good way to have students connect with his writing. I think that the teacher uses Shakespeare's work in a way that students can comprehend and relate to it then students wouldn't see his work as dull. I personally don't think that Shakespeare is boring or dumb i think it's a great way to learn grammar and still be interested in his writing.

0 points

I believe that our next preseident should be Obama because he fights for the poor and also fights to have a stronger school system. I'm only 17, but if i had the chance to vote this year my vote would go towards him. I believe he has what it takes to make us a stronger nation.

0 points

I believe that our next preseident should be Obama because he fights for the poor and also fights to have a stronger school system. I'm only 17, but if i had the chance to vote this year my vote would go towards him. I believe he has what it tales tp make this us a stronger nation.

1 point

I believe that being well respected is better because no money isn't everything and it comes and goes. Alot of people always wish for being rich or become a millionaire,but when you think about it it's not always worth it. Respect is always going to be there especially if you give it to receive it. Wealth cannot always buy happiness, love or even respect. So, for that matter I think it is better to be respected.

1 point

I think that Batman is more heroic because he is more lifelike to me. He is a human being just like us. Batman riskes his life more for people he doesn't need all the x-ray vision and extra stuff. I just think Superman is to cocky for me.

-3 points
0 points

i believe that its better to be loved than feared because if you are loved you are more able to have more respect from people and you are less likely to have any enemies as well. If you are feared then you are less likely to be hated by many and people of course aren't going to want to be around you. If you are loved then your most likely to get somewhere in life than someone who is feared and will be alone in the world.

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