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Advancing the Common Good Personal Pursuit
Debate Score:133
Total Votes:158
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 Advancing the Common Good (43)
 Personal Pursuit (70)

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Which type of endeavor is better, a personal pursuit or advancing the common good?

Advancing the Common Good

Side Score: 53

Personal Pursuit

Side Score: 80
Winning Side!
3 points

In a perfect world, everyone would not be selfish and would use their talents and abilities for the good of humanity, but we don't live in a perfect world nor will we ever. I think that everyone has a God-given talent that can be used to better the world. If everyone put a little effort into improving society, our life would run a lot smoother. You can also combine the two if advancing the common good doesnt sound appealing to you. Their are plenty of jobs that do just that.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
2 points

i agree. There is always a way to combine the two. By advancing the common good, no matter how you do it, you usually feel better about yourself and sometimes gain a great reputation for yourself as well, which could ultimately help you achieve personal pursuit

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

Same here; an endeavor that's a personal gain along with advancing the common good would go a very long way. Makes the whole world go round.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
0 points

You say this but what about the people with talents for crime? People with lack of talent? People who are mentally unstable? In a society like this you will get people who would just be happy too leech form the system and take advantage of it doing absolutly nothing but recieving the benefits from the hard work of other people!

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

Yeah, I'm really good at stealing. It's a talent I restrain myself from practicing, but I could steal something from you while you're looking at me. Luckily for society, I don't want anything I don't have that can be stolen :P

Side: Personal Pursuit
2 points

Sure, a personal pursuit will make you money but will it make your days feel fulfilled and happy or will it make them long, boring and stressed because your constantly worrying about money? I think that advancing the common good is better because their are certain kinds of feelings of satisfaction you can get from knowing that you have made a positive change in someone’s life somewhere. Differences are made one step at a time. For example, about 3 years ago I went to California. I didn’t realize how many homeless people there were until I got there. But one night me and my sister decide to go buy MC chicken’s and give one to every homeless person we saw. We didn’t have to go spend our personal money (or our dad’s money) to go buy them food but we did it out of the kindness of our hearts. It gave me a filling of satisfaction. I felt relived that at least someone who’s used to going hungry didn’t go hungry that night because of my sister and me.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
2 points

Whether you are in a venture purely for yourself or others, you still end up affecting the people around you.

When asking someone why they decide to help with the common good, the response would be something along the lines of, "it feels good to help out."

Ultimately, people don't help out people unless they get some sort of satisfaction out of it, be it whether they community service hours, material rewards, fame, or just having the satisfaction of knowing that you have importance. So when helping out others, you make others feel good as well as yourself.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
2 points

I think the common good is a better endeavor, because it's better to give then to receive. It's better to give other people you're hand out in help then you holding your own hand.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
2 points

I say the common good because of the type of forces that you can make as a whole group. like that person that says that by not voting they are not making a difference and when you look at the whole the population or percentage is bigger than of those who did vote. So if you want a good to be down and win you need more than yourself to win by looking for others with the same views.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

Advancing the common good is always better than personal pursuit. If every person decided to advance the common good, then every person would see the effects of it. Of course, most people chose personal pursuit because they will benefit from it.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

I do not think I use one more than the other and I feel that most people have a well balance of both the common good and personal pursuits.

I feel advancing the common good is better because by helping others I help my self. One of the things I do is community work for the hospitals in my own free time. I help out my friend Disarray for free with her baby who just got out of the hospital. I am on call 24/7 for a family who has 2 kids with turrets, I seem to be the only person they trust with the kids because I know what to do and when to do it. When and if I can I try to help out the people around me as much as possible because you never know when ill need the help in return.

I do personal pursuits. Daily I better my self through education and I also hang out and have fun with all my friends and have fun for me self.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

I think that advancing the common good is better than personal pursuit. The reason for this is that it is better to help others than just to think about yourself. We need to improve our community first before we think about ourselves. If everyone tried to take care of their community then there would be no dangerous places.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

I think that advancing the common good is better because its helping out the community. But personal pursuit will be better because i know that if i dont go to college after high school then i wont go at all so i would choose my personal pursuit.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

Simply Written

Seeking to advance the Common good

allows doors to be opened and barriers to be

broken, and after a journey (or) series of

considerate acts one can have an less-difficult

time Persuing a "Personal" goal or Lifestyle.

The word for this debate is


How much would a person really "sacrifice"

for his or her neighbor without being

blinded by the light beemed from selfishness??

No matter where a person is in thier life....

Remember, you MAY NOT know what they did

(or) WHAT they gave-up to be there!

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

While striving to make advancements for the common good you can change the world forever.

Allot of people have succeded in doing so. Our founding fathers, Thomas Edison, George Washington, Martin Luther King jr, and many more. These people made huge advances for the common good and they are honored for it.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

I belive that there are many selfish thoughts/actions among us, some of us give into it. I am a firm beleiver in karma and I go by the saying " Do to others as you would have them do to you". I think there are times when some people should put their own selfish needs aside and think of others . It is true that you are your own important person but there are many that sacrifice and stirve for others that are important to them. In a way, advancing the comming good can be concidered a personal pursuit, there are many that do the commong good for the personal feeling of accomplishing something for others.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

Both endeavors are better to be part of.But I as an individual I would like to advance the common good in this society to become unpetty with each other,to do things way better than they use to.Everyone in this world knows what they want to be. To be alone pursuing their dreams without the help of others, but some other will help the community to make it safe and better.To teach them what they are capable of,to beleive in themselfs that they can do as the things wealthy people does.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

The ability to do both would be awesome, but since I have to choose I'd rather help others in any way I can. Even a little thing can impact someone's life, like being a friend or helping them with getting their needs to survive life.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

I think common good is better than personal pursuit because its better to help other people. I feel good when i help people because it makes me feel happy that im doing something good in life.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

advancing the common good is better to me because, If i were to pursue my own personal pursuit, it wouldn't be all that good, because most of them would be selfish choices that woulld end up hurting someone else, i dont like hurting people. It would be a much better world if we thought about everyone else well being before we think about our selves.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

Benefiting yourself is always an assessable task but having a chance to better the common good only comes around once in a life time. You have to take into consideration that you can improve the lives or situations of the masses or just yourself. I believe that by advancing the common good you spread the wealth of nobility to others as well as yourself and that is the greatest benefit of all.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

i believe they are diffenrent ways of feeling happy and proud of what you do, i feel happy helping others that doesnt means i help every person in front of me, i try to do what i think is best and good to make somebody happy.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

I fell like advancing the common goods is better than personal pursuit because most people will look out for themselves rather than look out for others. Looking out for yourself before lookin out for others won't do alot of good in the long run. I believe in the what goes around comes around thing so when you do something for other people before you try to please yourself, not only does it help them but something good will also come back to you helping you better yourself.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

I fell like advancing the common goods is better than personal pursuit because most people will look out for themselves rather than look out for others. Looking out for yourself before lookin out for others won't do alot of good in the long run. I believe in the what goes around comes around thing so when you do something for other people before you try to please yourself, not only does it help them but something good will also come back to you helping you better yourself.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

I think that focusing on a personal persuit comes first, going to college, having a career, and reaching a position of power. I don't think there really is a day when you will announce to the world that your going to advance the common good, but you can help people here and there, donating a little bit of time, donating a little money, but in the end if your ever in the position of power and have money you could truly advance the common good.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

I volunteer at Irving Cares, and when I do I feel so great that I can help the community. To me when I help advance the common good I am helping myself. When people do something for the good of others it helps them out in the long run. Whether it is a favor in return or anything else. In a personal pursuit you are just helping yourself. If we all just helped ourselves where would our world be? We all depend on others for help at some point. This world should be about others, not just me.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

I think advancing the common good is better, because it will eventually come back to you anyways. If you better the world somehow, it will also help you out in some way. Whether it is money, fame or just karma.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

Well I'm kind of in the middle because i always think that helping people is a good thing and a way that you can get your blessings. But also sometime you have too help yourself be successful and make sure you can survive and provide. So to a certain extent it is good to help others but then its all about you.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

Usually my decision in the end is yes and no,or goes both ways. Today, however it is advancing for the common good. Making a decision to better suit yourself will help you for that moment, but in the long run who will it really help? Whereas, if you make an advancement for the common good you help yourself and other people. If you think about it we all want the world to be a "better place", and if you've noticed personal endeavors have gotten "us" into some not so happy predicaments.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

I think common good is better than personal pursuit because it’s always better to assist other people. When people help each other out its more likely that everything comes out great. You get to become a role model by helping some one that needs your help. Yes personal pursuit is important when you are thinking of going to college. But than you got to think about leaving legacy behind by teaching other what you know. So the learning or society process can advance. So therefore you let others take it to the next level.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

I think advancing the common good would be better in the long run. I mean sure you can worry about yourself, but put it like this, "Your not the most important person in the world". If everyone just thought about just them and not about other people where would we be. Its better to put others first and think about yourself later then to put yourself first.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

There once was a rapper who said he was the people's Champ. When wanting to be successful sometimes you need to worry about the common good because that’s what people want. I believe that advancing the common good is a better endeavor. Because when always thinking about your self and your personal pursuits you tend to become conceited and become an A hole. And an A jerk is a person that’s not liked and when alone and not liked by others becomes lonely.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

I believe its best advancing towards the common good, but it doesn't really exist in this world. Mostly everyone is greedy, selfish, only would care about what they want, and not caring about what others would want. I believe everyone have small feeling towards the common good, but most people think they are important than anyone else in the whole world.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

In my opinion, i think that advancing the common good is better because when helping others, not only is it appreciated by that person or people, but it makes you feel better as well. It doesn't mean that I won't spend time on myself, but if I have the opportunity to help others, I'll do my best to accomplish that.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

Advancing the Common good is a better endeavor than a personal pursuit. For example there are those who want to help others. A personal pursuit however is only for those selfish people who only care about themselves. The common good happens to some from a loan for college, to a charity for an orphanage, a school, etc

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

Everybody has goals and things that they want to accomplish in life. However, a person that helps the community and puts other people in front of themselves will most surely live a better life. If you really think about it, advancing the common good is basically a win-win situation. You get the support of other people, and you can also get recognition for yourself as a reward for your help.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

Well me personally I think advancement of the common good is better. I don't really know how to back this up, I just know its the way i feel about the topic. I guess because I'm not a selfish person at all when it comes to anything. I believe in sharing and helping others out. So if there's something i have to sacrifice personally for the advance of the common good, 9 times out of 10 I'm going to do it.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

Only at Walgreen's do all people use their talents for the common good, but we don't live in Walgreen's, and most people use their talents in greed to further themselves. I think that advancing the common good is better because we need people like that. We need people to rally up others and have benefits for cancer, and we need people to unselfishly go to Africa and help starving children. people who advance the common good don't care what other people think they just want to help, and helping others is what its all about to them. Yeah those people may not be remembered for a long but they have the joy of helping others live their life's.

Side: Advancing the Common Good

This is planet Earth, shared by billions, not just you. If given the opportunity to advance the human race, every person alive should take it; choosing personal gain over advancing the common good is selfish. There's no other way around it. I don't want ot hear "it's human nature to be selfish" or any other lame excuse. The point is we all live together, and if your too greedy and self-centered to care about your surroundings and the individuals around you, your merely taking up space.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

Most people will say that they would prefer to advance the common good, but if you think about it. Even if you are doing something for the common good, you are still doing it for personal pursuit. You are part of the "common" good. Even if you make something better for a town, if you live in that town you are making it better for yourself, thus making your original action of advancing the common good become a personal pursuit. There is no better endeavor, because either way you are helping yourself, although if its for the common good you are also able to help others advance, not necessarily in the same way you do but, in a similar way. If its for a personal pursuit you may not help others, and yes you get the better things, but if your house is nicer or your job is better, you may not be thinking about bettering the education of others. You can better yours by getting a personal tutor but, you may not be able to afford a tutor for your children so why not just better the education system for everyone so that the world can become "a better place."

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

The people that make up this world are selfish, put themselves before all others, and look out for number one. Everyone has a God given talent, and if you are able to find that within and let it flourish you are of the minority. Accomplishing things that better the world bring about a sense of fulfillment and great satisfaction. I think that people should focus their talents into being productive. By doing the very best that you can do for YOU in this world will funnel into assisting the common good. We need to take a look at what we can do for others, not just for ourselves. If everyone pitched in a little, it would be a lot.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

Advancing the common good is much better. From the very first day our parents or our teachers have taught us about team work.

The whole point of doing community service is about the common good. We have to help others in order to help our selves.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

Well, I take the perspective of my parents, because of the way they try to make me, my brother, the rest of the family and friends happy. they would spend all of there money and time on others than themselves.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

Advancing the common good is better because like the bible says "Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor." For example, football is a team sport they all have to believe in each other and not in their selves because there is no “I in Team”, like the other night in the Super Bowl the Steelers couldn’t score the winning drive in the last 2 minutes with out the lineman blocking for the quarterback, quarterback believing in the lineman, and the receiver believing in the quarterback to make a good pass. So we need each other and depend on each other to be great.

Side: Advancing the Common Good

You might ask: "Which type of endeavor is better, a personal pursuit or advancing the common good?"

I would agree that "Advancing the Common Good" would be better than "Personal Persuit". My reason for choosing "Advancing the Common Good" is because in the History of the United States, people and events have brought our nation to it's current state-of-being. Such an event would be war. In War, there are procedures to protect other people in a critical situation that one choice can lead to more or less people dying or surviving. One such situation would be if the battle ship was hit and water was pouring into the ship. You have two choices. The choice is to seal the hatches that are threats for water to come to the other areas of the ship, or you could save your self and get into the lifeboats with other panicking people and let the ship sink with an unknown amount of lives lost.

Side: Advancing the Common Good

I believe personal persuit. Human nature is for someone to persue things for themselves, not for others.

Side: Personal Pursuit
2 points

While i know that honestly i will spend my life chasing after my own personal goals, i know that it would be better for the world as a whole if i worked towards the common good of all people. My main goal in life is to be happy and even though me being happy is not in the greater good of the rest of the world, I feel as people we need to take care of ourselves before we can worry about others. While the ideal for working towards the greater good is noble, it just isnt for me. I just want to be happy and do what is good for me.

Side: Personal Pursuit
2 points

In the end, there is only one person that you can trust. Your self.

So I guess I'm on the side with the " personal pursuiters "

We as humans naturally come off as selfish. So there is not a whole lot we can do about that.

I would choose myself over anyone in this room, any day. ( no offense) Because this life that I have is all about doing what I want and going where I want to go. I mean, yeah. I'm a helpful person. And i'll help the ones i love whenever I can and however i can.

And I don't think that I should need to help anyone. I think that everyone should help their selves. I think that most people are capable of doing so.

Side: Personal Pursuit
2 points

Obviously everybody wants to say that they would help mankind, the world or save the city, but only a small percent of people would actually do this. I honestly would like to help mankind. I would like to save the world, but I'm posting under personal pursuit because I do not know what I would do in one of these situations.

Anyway, if people did believe in the advancement of the common good all of the economical cars and factories wouldn't just now be made. These inventions would have come out as soon as the theory of global warming came out.

Side: Personal Pursuit

I feel like a personal pursuit is better. You can’t help others around you if you can’t help yourself. If your personal pursuit is to make money for the needy or the common good, then it starts with you and your desire to make that money. A personal pursuit isn’t always about money but it can also about happiness, love, and success.

Side: Personal Pursuit
0 points

I think you proved a good point here

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

Honestly, I believe you can't help anybody unless you help yourself first. It would be hypocritical to pass on good to others, if I myself dont' have good to begin with. Although it may sound selfish to persue your happiness before other's happiness, in my mind, it makes more sense.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

I believe personal pursuit is better. If you can't help yourself first, how will you be able to help other people? I believe you must better yourself before you can start changing other people's lives. If people didn't go to college to become doctors and scientists first, we would have never found cures to half the diseases we know of today. If teachers didn't go to college first, we wouldn't be taught with such knowledge as we do now and the whole generation would mentally deteriorate to mush. You must help yourself before you can help others. It's just another fact of life.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

I believe that personal pursuit is the better endeavor because I am not just another man in a suit. I am my own person with my own destiny and I will not comply with the rest of the world for the common good. being obedient is over rated and I will not sit and emancipate myself with the rest of the black and white TV sets, IM going to break away into colors and live my life the way its supposed to be lived, to infinity and beyond. but don't get me wring i do love my loved ones but i will not help them with the common good just because they try to hold me down and cover my eyes so that i cant see. no one is going to make me invisible. the people we know now are just here to get us through that particular stage in life and have a couple of laughs along the way.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

It all starts out as a personal pursuit. Even though you go for the common good you need to be somebody to make a difference. So it all starts out as a personal pursuit to achieve what other people haven’t and make a difference in society.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

Personal pursuits are what help us to become who we are, and known for. We set standards for ourselves that only we can and are willing to go after. Yes we will get a sense of fulfillment and feel accomplished, but who’s to say that that fulfillment and accomplishment doesn’t lead to us advancing into the world of common good. Our personal pursuits teaches us valuable lessons, it is always said that you can only learn from your mistakes, and that is true, so within our personal pursuits if there is ever a mistake or a moment when things go wrong, all we can do is learn to keep it from happening again, and deal with the consequences of what happened. Learning from this, can help us learn and advance higher in the common good, because now we then know not only how any typical person that has been living life by common goods would handle a situation, take care of a dilemma, or deal with anything, but we know an alternative to that or those ways simply from our own personal experiences and lessons from our pursuits.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

Everyone is entitled to what they want to do for themselves. We each have a personal pursuit and with that personal pursuit we are not obligated to help the common good. For some people their personal pursuit is to help out the common good. For them it makes them feel better if they help others so in turn everybody is happy and did what they wanted to do.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

Although we would love this world to be perfect, its not; everyone is out there to achieve their own personal pursuits. But that doesn't mean that one can't also endeavor advancing the common good while achieving one's own personal goals. For instance, if one wants to become a rich doctor, then they should do that. And when they become rich, they can donate their money and their talents for medicine to help the sick.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

A personal pursuit is a better endeavor because you are fulfilling something within yourself. It is important to help others but there is a time to do so. Achieving a personal goal is a journey to fulfillment where one is truly happy. Before helping others you must remember about yourself, but you must not forget about those who are really in need.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

Well personally I think that personal pursuit is better. No reason really, I just feel that I can help the people I care about most if im looking out for myself instead of the whole world. If i focus on my goals then someday I may be able to give my family what they have always dreamed about in return helping me even more.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

Personal pursuit is better because people will be people and want to be the best they can be and they want to be on the top. I know I want to be a "winner". Which by this happening it means that someone has to be a loser. This is personal pursuit.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

Unfortunately it is human nature to be selfish. This doesn't always mean that you are going to be a mean person and always do what is best for you, but an individual will usually help himself first. Sometimes in a good situation going out on your own personal pursuit does advance the common good. Neither is necessarily better but I believe that a personal pursuit might be more useful we only live this life for so long and we want to be the best we can be. Maybe your personal pursuit is to advance the common good.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

We live in a world that is tough and not everthing is fair. I've been told all my life that its a dog-eat-dog world. So I think its better to look out for what you want in life, and if that helps the common good then thats a bonus.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

Advancing the common good will ideally create a utopian society first characterized by karl marx. Personal puruit will create poverty and greed. Chances are people will kill each other which has been shown throughout history, the ceasars.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

Honestly is it going to matter if you pick up a piece of trash or be a nicer person, Unless you have a life altering change that will bring piece for mankind your own personal pursuit is better. This will bring you more personal pleasure and may or may not help out the common good. The world is a sad and lonely place and most people will ultimately look out for themselves and would rather satisfy their own personal goals.... In the end its everyman for themselves and when i wake up on my 75th birthday i would much rather feel accomplished in my life than accomplished for someone elses life......

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

I strongly believe that helping yourself is not a selfish thing to do. If everyone took care of themselves and tried to make themselves better people then there would be no use of common good. You are the only person that knows what you feel, think and believe if you want change you would do change to yourself.

Side: Advancing the Common Good
1 point

Honestly I believe that both are good there is no better in this arguement, because they both have that significance and they balance each other out. Personal pursuit because you improve your self for others and the enviorment around you, and then advancing the common good, because the goods help you and others improve. Life isn't perfect and we don't live in a perfect world and I don't expect it to be that way. These two are no different nor are they the same but they are significant.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

I think i will go with personal persuit because no matter what we do we think of ourself first. I think its the human nature.But personal pursuit does not mean being selfish and only caring about oneself.I need to think about me first,success and then think of others. Everyone does think of themselves before thinking about others. First i need to make me happy to make others happy. This way i can make my life better and be who i am.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

I think that personal pursuit is better because we want the best for ourselves. We always think of what's going to help us in life. It's not that we are selfish but if we don't think for what's better for us no one else is.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

I think that people follow on what they believe in and have many opportunities to make of their life what ever they want to do with it. Following your personal pursuit does not forbid you on helping others nor on advancing the common good. I think that you can do help the common good as well as do your personal pursuit.

Side: Personal Pursuit

I believe personal pursuit its better, because its your job to decide what you want to do with your life. Your not always going to have someone by your side telling you whats right or wrong. Its all on you of reaching their goals. Its also a good thing to help other reach their succeed their goals.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

Our animal insctinc is survival, its what makes us flinch wen we see something coming at ous it makes us react faster, our mental state changes. In todays post modern world, our instinc have change into keep obtaining money to keep ous alive. times change but our desire to survive above other is still thier.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

In order to help advance a common good, you must first realize what is your common good. You have to know when you are that better person to then spread your good to other people. You can't just assume that you are a great person if you don't have anything to show it. If you desire to see a world full of all this goodness, YOU have to be that spark that starts the fire.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

Helping others for the common good can give you a feeling of pride but you have to have the means to be able to help the other person. To have those means you first have to have personal pursuit. I don't think one is better than the other but you first have to have personal pursuit before you can have common good. However for some people their personal pursuit can be the advancement of the common good.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

I think that personal pursuit is more important because in order to help others you have to help yourself first. At the time it may seem selfish but once that you get to a point that you are good at what your doing then you can help others do the same. So not only are you helping yourself but you are also helping others.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

Well for me its a kind of a 50/50. I think that evryone should be less selfish and do things that are "advancing the common good", but then again on the other hand we live in the real world and we are going to things that better benifit us. For example in your job your not going to try to make another employe, your going to try to make yourself look good so that you will get more money.

Side: Personal Pursuit

Though this answer might be considered selfish, it could also be a generous move. I believe that many times individuals try to help others, but infact need to help themselves out first. If you are put into a position where you are mentally or emotionally unstable, how can you properly help others? Those who are in need need people who can stay strong and stable, not those who are weak and vulnerable to falling. The world needs people who have a heart for the common good in them already or those who have grown into it; not those who are unsure of their willingness to help others. I believe before you help others, you need to help yourself. Not so you can be selfish, but so you can be better prepared to help others. In time many develope the feeling that the heart is happiest when it beats for others, but usually after they tried to make it only beat for themselves.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

The type of endeavor that is better is a personal pursuit. I think once everyone goes into their own personal pursuit, everything would fall into place. For example getting into college is a personal pursuit, you have to have good grades to get in. Sure advancing the common good is probably the right way to go but let’s face the facts not everyone is going to go for that. Most of the times helping yourself is the first thing you must do before helping others. So in conclusion I guess I could go both ways, but in this way, you have to go your own ways, your own personal pursuit, before advancing to the common good.

Side: Personal Pursuit

I would have to choose a personal pursuit I think it's only right to help yourself before you help others. Many people have good in their heart and try to do so much for other people but that brings you down in my opinion, so I'll take the time to better my personal needs

Side: Personal Pursuit

I think personal pursuit is better. I would help myself first because i rather have things go get great for me in life instead of helping someone else be successful and then realizing its to late for me to help myself. Helping someone else isn't good all the time because that person might not help you in return like you did to them.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

Personally i think that if you are not helping yourself you cant help no one else. If you try to help every person that needs your help, they will just slow you down. Don't get me wrong helping people is always right. In the big picture if you pursuit your dreams and get rich, fame, and power you will be able to help the people that matter to you.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

I feel that a personal pursuit is a better endeavor. Your personal pursuit should come first before anyone else's. But then again I really don't know, because if someone in your family is in need of something then you're going to do anything help that family member out. I believe that helping someone in your family is just something you do no matter what because they're blood. If someone who you don't know is in need at the same time as someone who is related to you, you're going to help the family member out instead of the random person you don't know.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

I thing personal pursuit because i believe that you have to help yourself first to accomplish your goals because how can you help someone if you dont help yourself. Helping yourself first would make you a better person and i think that after you achieve your goals and becoming a better person you would be able to help the common good.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

I feel that a personal pursuit is a better endeavor. Your personal pursuit should come first before anyone else's. But then again I really don't know, because if someone in your family is in need of something then you're going to do anything help that family member out. I believe that helping someone in your family is just something you do no matter what because they're blood. If someone who you don't know is in need at the same time as someone who is related to you, you're going to help the family member out instead of the random person you don't know.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

Personal pursuit is better in my opinion. How are you going to reach common good if you cant better yourself. People may see that as being selfish but you cant help others if you cant help yourself.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

I think a personal pursuit is best for anyone.For the simple reason to keep your mind on your goals and reach your destination.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

At the moment, I would have to choose a Personal Pursuit, I have goals set and would like to have them accomplished before I can begin to help others. Although I do enjoy helping others, it is "I" who I must help first.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

I think that personal pursuit is better because i think that helping yourself before others is natural. I think that no matter what you do everything comes back you even if your helping others, because you dont want your life to be out of whack helping others.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

I believe that personal pursuit is the most important thing in your life because if you think of others all the time you will be putting yourself aside on your life your future. I know this sound selfish but unless you put your life on track you won’t be able to help others anyway. The thing is that you have to make sure that you are in the place you want to be and then you can help other people. The truth is that most of the time if your life is in a situation where you don’t feel good and you don’t feel confident you won’t be thinking about others for that moment until your life is on track.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

I think that a personal pursuit is better because it comes off of your own experience. When you are doing tasks that are not advancing to become something else, you can learn better from them. For an example, if you wanted to try to run for class president and people are pressuring you, a lot of the times, you will be bummed and others will think that you let them down. But if you were doing it only for a more personal goal, you might open up to a level of opportunities that you might succeed in. Likewise, I think that when you are doing things for others, you are more likely to not succeed up to your standards, but if you set your goals yourself, then you will feel better about the results in the end.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

If i say that advencing the commen good is better then a personal pursuit, then i would be lieing to myself. Everyone wants to do good in the world, but the problem with that is that their is too many bad things happening in the world, and what you do wont really make a difference. A personal persuit does more for you then trying to advance the commen good in a world where you see very little good.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

I believe that Personal pursuit is better because its more about you then it is about other people. if you cant focus on you personally how can you focus or help others around you. I'm not saying advancing the common good is bad at all. I'm just saying that its better to focus on yourself.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

I would rather endeavor a personal pursuit, because it would be most beneficiary to me, but I want my personal pursuit to help others. If I can create anything to benefit myself and help others and be successful i would do it.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

Personal pursuit is better because its easier to help yourself then it is to help others. Plus not all people want to be helped. A persons’ need is more important then others need, you need to your personal pursuits first. In this world you have to fight for what you want.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

I Agree with personal Pursuit because i not a selfish person but i would take care of myself before i take care of others. i think my well being is more important. but then again i would help out other people. i would give back to my community. and i would help out the less fortunate people then me. So i guess im really for both sides. But i would help and take care of myself before i help others.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

I believe that personal pursuit is better because in order to help others you have to help yoursel first. I also think that if you are happy with yourself and enjoy helping others you have the confidence and strength to help the outside world while satisfying yourself. For example, someone wants to succeed in life and through that he achieves his goals, whenever he is already succesful and with money he decides to help others.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

A personal pursuit is more important to me, because every person is responsible for themselves and their own actions. Advancing the common good would just mean that one or two people may not have to work as hard as you would for the same thing because of something you may have done. A personal pursuit can never be inequal. You'll always be able to dig yourself as deep into a hole as you want to, but standing as one person rather than many, you could probably dig faster if you were alone.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

\I feel that personal pursuit is more important because one's life is based on what he and he alone makes of it. I have the ideal mind set of "only you can define yourself". Meaning you need to look after the well-being of yourself before others. In comparison there are instances where others are more significant than you. Such as family obligations. I feel family is one of the most important things in life, and should be cherished and looked upon as a first priority, but other then the family obligations one must answer. I Believe that the influence you have on others just isn't significant enough to make a huge impact on a life.

Side: Personal Pursuit
0 points

I believe you are who you are. It’s your life. Your choice with what you do. I would choose the personal pursuit. Who says you can’t help others by following your own dreams. If you make five-hundred million dollars a year, then why not share it with those less fortunate than you. I don’t need to sacrifice my life to make others lives better. I can do what I want to do and still help people. They say money can’t bring happiness but it can. And making five-hundred million dollars a year would make me pretty happy. And if I chose to give it to others it would make them happy as well. So I guess you would say their both good.

Side: Personal Pursuit
0 points

At this moment, a personal pursuit would be better for me; at this time and age for me, I definitely have to go with a goal I’ve already set for myself; going to college, particularly UT. I’m really pushing myself day in and day out, to make the best of my classes I have and to also pass them with flying colors.

Although if it wasn’t for me just being for me, which sounds selfish on my part, I’m all up for advancing the common good. The trend setters for this day and age, not particularly style-wise, but those who want the young to succeed; example: President Barack Obama, the ones who wants everybody to go out and help the community in any way possible, any way you can. That also goes hand in hand with helping out the other when they’re in dire need. I’m really that at heart, and always will be, but presently, I have to go with my personal pursuit.

Side: Personal Pursuit
0 points

In my personal opinion if you better yourself in the long run you can better the world. I mean you have to focus on yourself before you can take on the problems of the world and trying to fix them, or you will end up having a break down or something.

Side: Personal Pursuit
0 points

I believe that personal pursuit is better because one must themselves happy before they can go out into the world and try to make everyone else happy. If you try to make everyone else happy and you leave no time for you, then you become a wreak and then you have no happiness in your life. Some people find that helping others is their own pursuit of happiness.

Side: Personal Pursuit
1 point

Thats what I said, you copycat.

Side: Personal Pursuit
0 points

I think is better the personal persut, because all I do is to help myself become better in the future, and maybe in the future by helping myself, I could be helping the world as well. Like for example you win lot of money in your job, and so you can share it with other people, or if you are a nurse or fireman, policeman., you are helping others, and thats the common good. so you both are ok.

Side: Personal Pursuit
0 points

I agree with you because either way you win. But I think this goes for people that actually have a career and go off to college because you make a little bit more money than others. You get your money so that’s good but in exchange you are helping out others by doing what your job is requiring you to do.

Side: Personal Pursuit

Human nature is to endeavor personal pursuit. If you assume that human nature is to endeavor advancing the common good, then you're going to get screwed by someone who endeavors personal pursuit. Most Americans endeavor advancing the common good; which is why they get screwed by politicians who endeavor personal pursuit. If everyone endeavors personal pursuit, then we would keep each other in check. It is easier to get most people to endeavor personal pursuit than it is to get most people to endeavor advancing the common good; which is why communism failed.

Side: Personal Pursuit
0 points

I believe it is more important to have personal pursuit because if you even want to begin to help others you have to help yourself. It's not bad to want to help the common good but if you're always putting other people before yourself you may start to forget about your own needs and wants in life. But I do think that you can have a balance of both.

Side: Personal Pursuit
0 points

I believe a personal pursuit is better for me because I’m more of a selfish person. I rather do something that is going to better my life, but every once in a while I do have my giving moments, so I guess it depends on how I am feeling. Right now I am going to go for the personal pursuit.

Side: Personal Pursuit
0 points

I would have to say having a personal pursuit is better, your life is your life and what you choose to make out of it is your deciscion. I belive in the quote "Good things happen to good people." I can have a billion dollars and feel happy and very weathly, but if I can use some of it to help someone who really needs it like a unweathly family or even my own family who is stuggling then I would be even more happier and feel like I made a difference. Yes, at times I can be selfish, but I believe that everyone is every now and then. My personal pursuit is to graduate and go to community college first for my basics then attend PCI for a nursing asstitant so that way I can help other people in need.

Side: Personal Pursuit
0 points

I feel like it is better to do both, but in order to help others you need to help yourself. It all starts with your personal goals before you can help others.

Side: Personal Pursuit
0 points

A personal pursuit of mine has always been to be the best pole vaulter that I can be, or the best at anything you do. I have learned that while trying to achieve this personal goal I have learned so much about trying to be a more responsible and more obedient. I believe in pursuing personal pursuit and personal goals is a better endeavor simply because if you strive to be good at something, it will help you grow as a person. From my personal experience, pursuing a personal goal has helped other people in this world.

Side: Personal Pursuit
0 points

it is better to help yourself before you can help others. for instance, if you don't have your life together how are you going to help someone else with theirs. if your still living at home with your mother and you don't have a job and one want to help out by giving to an organization you couldn't do it. so basically you have to help yourself before you can help others.

Side: Personal Pursuit
0 points

I feel that your own personal goals are more important. To make to world a better place you have to become a better person. It has to start with something small like yourself to move to something bigger like the world. Even then no matter how much one tries, one person can't change the whole world.

Side: Personal Pursuit