
Loopdaloop's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Loopdaloop's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Silence, spawn of evil. You cannot argue with the PROOF of what you are. Your SATANIC CULT was started by a CONVICTED CONMAN who fornicated with the horned one.

1 point

Simply put, Mormonism was delivered to an unbeliever by Satan

Lol. Dr Batman literally belongs to a Satanic cult!!

1 point

Simply put, Mormonism was delivered to an unbeliever by Satan, appearing as an angel of light, with the purpose to corrupt the minds of unbelievers. His fraud has succeeded spectacularly, resulting in millions being deceived as a result.

0 points

Which part of "shut the fuck up, nobody is interested in what you have to say", are you struggling with?

1 point


In the end, the Mormon religion is no different than any other man-made, false religion: it seeks to diminish the diety of Christ while elevating man to equality with God.

In this teaching, we can clearly see Satan's fingerprints. The Mormon church orginated from the visions of a convicted conman, Joseph Smith.

Even other Christians agree that Batman is a Satanist!!

0 points

Shut the fuck up you truly insane twat. You're literally mad.

1 point

Here we have more proof that Batman is a brainwashed madman who lives his life in the wretched clutches of the horned one:-

Mormons, on the other hand, have created their own "gospel" (which is no gospel at all), and claim that all others are apostate. The Mormon gospel grossly distorts the truth., claiming that Jesus was merely a man who became a god through good works. They also maintain that all good Mormons can become gods (as Jesus did) through righteous works. Obviously, this is utterly false.

If this story sounds familiar, it should, because this is a repetition of the same lie Satan told Eve in the garden (see Genesis 3:5). No wonder Mormons teach that salvation is only found through the Mormon church, because this lie is a scheme of the enemy to entrap humanity in a false gospel that cannot save.

0 points

Do us all a favour and shut up, mate. I absolutely guarantee that nobody on this entire site is interested in anything you have to say, least of all me.

0 points

You seem very upset indeed snowflake.

That's because you're a coward and a bully who comes here to attack others behind the safety net of "debates" you have set to private status and yet you have the incredible audacity to pretend you're spreading the word of Jesus. You are an affront to everything Jesus ever stood for. If you weren't such a raving mad bastard you'd be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.

the Lord detests your lying about others

I've literally just proven what you did with a screenshot you delusional fool. Shut the fuck up you truly insane twit.

0 points

You have only proven me right.

No, I proved myself right, because you immediately responded to my first post by attacking me in one of your own debates which you had set to private. A simple screenshot of the public waterfall literally PROVES YOU DID THAT:-

As anybody can see for themselves, the facts illustrate that you are a liar.

You returned to this debate only after pulling your usual trick of insulting me in comments I am unable to reply to.

0 points

Your passive aggressive response

There's nothing passive about my response. I'm directly accusing you of being clinically mad.

like any common screaming karen who cries about the truth being told.

You wouldn't know truth if it turned up at your backwater church in a clown suit. Shut the fuck up you completely insane imbecile.

Jesus was real and there is archeological evidence to support the Bible.

There is no evidence, archaeological or otherwise, that Jesus was a supernatural figure who defied the laws of physics by rising from the dead and walking on water. The very fact that you believe those things, contrary to the established scientific laws of this planet, and absent any tangible evidence such a thing is even possible, is evidence enough that you're BATSHIT MAD.

Even if Jesus WERE real, and even if he WERE an all-powerful super zombie who defied death, your vile and cowardly persona would STILL BE CONTRARY TO EVERYTHING HE EVER TAUGHT. So either way you lose. Road A is that Jesus was just an ordinary man and you're insane for believing otherwise. Road B is that Jesus was the son of God and you reject everything he ever taught in a tantrum of hateful diatribe and pernicious lies.

Whichever one it is, you're still mad.

loopdaloop(158) Clarified
0 points

Thanks for proving me right, you unhinged moron. I can't reply because you've set your debates to private.

Get help, you goddamned idiot.

0 points

I, too, am fighting the mental illness on this site.'

You are not even fighting the mental illness in yourself. Hands down, you are the most mentally disturbed individual who has ever used this site, either past or present. To use last night as a typical example of your utter degeneracy, you opened in excess of 15 "debates", all of which you set to private status so that nobody is able to actually debate you. You come here only to spam the site with disturbing monologues rooted in your bizarre 13th century evangelical ideology, and refuse to engage any alternative points of view. Anybody who dares even argue a claim you make, you immediately ban from all future debates and send them an "enemy" declaration.

You are BATSHIT crazy to the point that you stand out massively on a site populated almost exclusively by other crazy people.

0 points

I'm a Jew

You're not a Jew you delusional little twit.

You say I'm not.

No, factual reality says you're not. If you want to reject factual reality and continue making the same false claim, then that makes you a liar: exactly what you've just claimed not to be.

That's the worst form of antisemitism.

No, anti-Semitism is hatred of Semites. You're not a Semite. You're a stupid dickhead who keeps lying about being Jewish.

0 points

Nahh.. I don't lie.

Lol. You're an absolutely massive liar. His criticisms are completely justified. If honesty were truly one of your personality traits it's highly unlikely you'd have seen the inside of a jail.

You've got an annoying habit of doubling down on bullshit. By no means are you the only one, but whenever your interpretation of reality is challenged you take it as a personal affront and attack whoever is responsible. It's weak and cowardly.

0 points

everyone who has ever regularly used this site was mentally ill.

You can speak for yourself, pal. I'm not mentally ill. I'm a sane man in an asylum being run by the inmates.

0 points

Shut up and make me some noodles boy. I like them spicy with a hint of WHINING NAZI DOUCHEBAG.

-1 points

The heat is a danger just check with New York LMFFAO

I will spit in your kung po chicken.

1 point

Batman, how do you reconcile your claims of being a Christian with the fact that you're a lying, cowardly piece of shit?

1 point

Batman, how do you reconcile your claims of being a Christian with the fact that you're a lying, cowardly piece of shit?

1 point

Batman, how do you reconcile your claims of being a Christian with the fact that you're a lying, cowardly piece of shit?

1 point

Batman, how do you reconcile your claims of being a Christian with the fact that you're a lying, cowardly piece of shit?

1 point

In the past hour, Dr Batman has claimed:-

A) I am homosexual.

B) I am a pedophile.

C) I am a child rapist.

All three of these claims are lies.

1 point

Batman, shut your insane mouth you disgusting little Satan-loving pig. You're a coward who spews sickening lies and sets all his debates to private because you don't have the courage to face the people you're telling lies about. You're an affront to the teachings of Jesus and a pathetic dog. The only place you are going is hell.

1 point

That's flat earth thinking

Are you retarded? Nobody said anything about the shape of the Earth. If you had any knowledge whatsoever of university level philosophy you'd understand why nothing outside of personal experience can be truly known, with the solitary possible exception of knowledge acquired through a priori reasoning (i.e. maths).

1 point

There is more sources that make the same claim.

You don't need any source whatsoever to qualify the claim as bullshit sensationalism. You just need a touch of common sense. I mean, what am I even supposed to make of this:-

In a survey done for insurer MetLife, 51% of women said their gender drives more safely.

So women think women are safer drivers? That's awesome. I think I'm a better footballer than Lionel Messi. Does that mean I'm a better footballer than Lionel Messi?

The evidence is on their side: Men are 3.4 times more likely than women to get a ticket for reckless driving and 3.1 times as likely to be cited for drunk driving

And do these figures take into account the difference between the numbers of men and women on the road?

In fact, let's forget that for the moment. Let's instead concentrate on the difference between the words "better" and "safer". Clearly, these words don't mean the same thing, do they? Racing drivers illustrate the point very well.

You're also cherry picking data from the source you used. The story also says:-

The findings did back men up on one point: automotive knowledge. The poll showed that more men are familiar with current safety equipment such as electronic stability control, which helps prevent rollover accidents.

More than anything, what annoys the fuck out of me is when people like you fail to understand that media sources sensationalize data recorded in obscure surveys into general rules in order to produce headlines. The surveys used in stories like these almost exclusively use small sample sizes and can't be demonstrated to translate into general rules.

1 point

I'm going to fly him to the centre of the galaxy, give him a papercut, then kick him into a black hole so the pain lasts forever.

loopdaloop(158) Clarified
1 point

And you're for open borders

And you're for mandatory beatings of anybody who doesn't agree with your political views.

The only way to explain your rationale is if you are a little retarded kid at a keyboard.

That's hilarious Bronto. The moron who turns up and tells other people what they are for and against without checking with them first is accusing me of being a child. I'm devastated.

loopdaloop(158) Clarified
1 point

In fairness, The Sun is not a reliable source. It's sensationalist, hyper far right tripe.

1 point

Anecdotal evidence is the only type of evidence. If you didn't personally confirm and ultimately experience the fact that something is a part of reality either directly or indirectly then you're just taking someone else's word for it.

More commonly known as Hume's problem of induction.

1 point

Batman attempts to excuse killing people, ignoring completely the ten commandments of God, and then in his very next breath claims to be a Christian!!!

The cognitive dissonance is beyond belief with this one.

1 point

He deliberately conflates homosexuality with paedophilia and then claims to be a Christian. Unbelievable.

Hey dickhead. Jesus would spit in your face.

1 point

I don't even know why this moron bothers opening debates, because the moment you disagree with him about anything he bans you. Absolute dickhead. All he's interested in are his own uninterrupted, self-aggrandizing monologues.

1 point

most politician's whose only strength is their gift of the gab and knowing what the sheepeople want to hear will, in an effort to hang on to their mighty station in life present their constituent's dream world as a realistically achievable goal in a persuasively forthright manner in the full knowledge that their hollow promises are totally unattainable.

Yup, completely true.

What we have to do is figure out what the hell to do about it.

Also true. I remember the same conversations were being had 30 years ago. But it has only become worse since then, not better.

loopdaloop(158) Clarified
1 point

Nom's precious socialism

The problem isn't socialism. The problem is transitioning a capitalist and/or monarchist society to a socialist one, because they both have vastly different philosophies.

Besides which, socialism was only ever intended to be a short term system. The ultimate aim was communism, where government was abandoned and the people looked after themselves.

1 point

I'm going to drug you, smuggle you into Geneva in a suitcase, drive you over to CERN and then use the particle accelerator to fire a stream of neutrinos into your japs eye at 99.7 percent the speed of light.

1 point

I don't know a single woman who drives a Bugatti unless it's her husband or bfs Bugatti. That alone proves that women are stupid.

So the woman gets to drive a Bugatti without paying for it and that makes her stupid?

1 point

who shits a brick at the idea of their fellow citizen being able to adequately defend their home and family.

You don't need a gun to defend your home unless you're either a coward or a midget, so thanks for proving my point.

1 point

Jesus fucking Christ. I put your empty threat right in front of you

No, you took something I wrote in an argument about guns out of its intended context and misrepresented it as a threat. Shut your stupid mouth you pathetic alcoholic loser.

1 point

To be fair, a offer to come here and fight me is the most unhinged shit I've ever seen come off of your keyboard

I've never offered to come there and fight you. Stop taking the things I've written out of context and shut your dumb mouth, you retarded ginger midget. I would literally pick you up and drop you on your stupid fucking head.

1 point

Shut the fuck up, you delirious lying cunt.

You're literally mad if you think you can take something I said in a hypothetical argument about guns out of context as an offer to fly over to America and fight you. You're just utterly retarded mate.

1 point

I'm perfectly happy to turn up unarmed and slap you in your idiot face like a man. I don't need to hide in the bushes like a fag and shoot you from 60 yards away to feel safe.

It's true. I don't need a gun to feel safe because I'm not a coward. And I don't need to make empty threats to strangers over the internet for the same reason. You pal, are a coward. And it gets under your skin because deep down you know it's true.

1 point

I do hope you don't make that mistake

Hahahahaha! Oh, you're such a laughably inept little rage-filled nerd. Do you think you're frightening? You're a stupid alcoholic twat with blatant little man syndrome. I'd bet my entire house on you being under 5 feet five inches. People who are physically confident don't spend their time puffing their chest out on the internet to strangers you absolutely worthless little prick.

1 point

You were the one who offered to come here to instigate violence.

Stop lying you stupid ginger twat.

1 point

You support them because they're fascists and fascism is what you believe in. Unskilled, untalented, uncreative, unintelligent people are frequently attracted to fascism because it offers them an alternative system where they can be important.

1 point

I'm going to glue large masses of hair to your face while you're sleeping, kick you out into the street and scream, "WUWU ATTACK", then calmly light a cigarette and gloat while SWAT teams machine gun you to death.

loopdaloop(158) Clarified
1 point

I had an idealized vision of it in my mind

Idealized (adjective): the belief that socialism can't work because it is better than what presently exists.

loopdaloop(158) Clarified
1 point

No, it's about being in an advantageous position rather than seeking respect.

Tell that to the Nuremburg trials you silly twonk. I'm sure they'll be extremely sympathetic about what you did to gain an "advantageous position". You're a morally corrupt, intellectual coward who two years ago was worshipping Jacque Fresco's philosophy of fairness, and now you've abandoned everything you ever believed in. If you think that makes you a winner you're a complete fool.

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