
Maindebater5's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Maindebater5's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

yes there is because i am on it right now at 240 in the morning

2 points

he had no choose what he did. his country was in a depression and no other way to point the finger at the Jews to tell then it was there fault about world war 1.. so i say no horrible leader who deserved what he got that's why he is where he is in the history books!

1 point

i don't think you guys see the clear point in this both a relevant to each other showing how Cuba fought for its independence and how we did in the Boston tea party i would rather favor the Cuban's after watch the movie Che which I thought was amazing you guys should watch it

1 point

there not the only kind of people that almost got wiped off the face of the earth what about the African slaves what about the American Indians what about the south American Indian all slaves and all almost wiped off the earth!!

1 point

you guys have no further knowledge on how this world works that's how out of touch you people are. you think that everything is OK and we keep pumping or gas in our cars that nothing is going to happen. we have lost touch with the world people, our ancestors were so close with nature they knew everything about our earth and how it worked before we ever will. they had a great understanding not like some dumb person on a website shouting against bill the science guy ( in which i think he had a great show when i was younger but that's besides the point) yes it is global warming because our earth is trying to cool itself that's why in the last 2 weeks the east coast (and this is where i live nyc) has been hit with two blizzards. how can you guys explain the south being so cold how Florida almost losing there crops or how Texas was the coldest it has ever been.. do you guys see whats happening???

1 point

how dare these people call Scientology not a religion what if i told you a snake is going to crawl up a tree and speak to you and tell you, you cant eat from the tree because you would be damned from the garden of Eden? would you believe that? what about someone parting the sea so the slaves of Egypt can cross? you cannot call it ridiculous because everything we follow is ridiculous!

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