
Mike2k's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Mike2k's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

this is a very interesting ?.. but simple... gods evidence of existence is as simple as you itself... the manifestation of all things is he alone... god is not on a scale of man so he can not just be represented as one thing alone.. just as we all believe in science. but science is nothing without its counter parts ( protons, neutrons, electrons, atoms etc) break it down a little more simpler. water is H2O indisputable but water is non existent if the molecules did not work together as in 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen which equals water. thats just me explaining it without using the good books... remember god is simply the creater. so we are substance of him... so we can not measure him.

1 point

that makes no since so based on the similarities of prayer ritual you came to the conclusion that they are myths.... or can it be thats how they prayed in that region just like they still pray that way to day... heres the thing about them myths the bible predates most of all of them.... now do i believe the bible was tampered with. with out a doubt.. but only through translations.. and roman superiority

1 point

america would be great if we turn to god... through jesus cause he is our shepard... and for the non believers.. mercy on your souls i pray... just as i pray for mercy on my souls cause the wages of sin is death...

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