
Notsocuteme's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Notsocuteme's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

okay lets look at it from this point of view, if the whole hype is because the definition of marriage is "the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies" then why not change it? how hard is it to change the meaning in the dictionaries? i mean if mcdonalds can fight over a words meaning then surely we can to. everyone is all about equal rights... the women, the blacks, and now the gays. both women and blacks won their fight the gay community will win theirs to in a matter of time. why not go ahead and make it an easy transition? if you do not know a honest hard working man is gay you wont harm him in the slightest bit but find out he is gay and youll beat him in a dark ally behind where he works. thats bogus. no one should "hide" behind the word. its word that is meant for status. someone should be proud to say such a word. the way i see it you have to pay for a marriage license so it will benefit the economy everyone is complaining about. and i have seen far more ignorant people with far worse licenses!!! people killing people while having hunters license, all the horrid drivers with theirs. and then look at the things you do not have to have a license for!!! raising children!!!! which in my opinion is far more important we have say who can or cant have those! god knows there are far worse parents than gay was okay for the greeks to be openly guy forever ago. guys in high positions of society even. so please get real

2 points

first your ignorant (its not devils work), second there are witches, and third its more of a practice... or maybe religion. depending on who you are talking to about it. the fact is that most who practice the CRAFT strictly believe in not harming anyone or anything. they believe this one fact more than a lot even believe in the devil. almost everyone that i have talked to or read from claim the pagan religion. which in fact Christians based a lot of things on. actually paganism is the oldest religion i believe if its not its one of the first. even Buddhist took some beliefs and practices from pagans... so please if you will inform your self of the art craft or religion of it before you say such awful things again i would consider it a personal favor being as you will not be spreading ignorance. they say it is a disease but at least it is curable.

2 points

i agree that handicapped people should be treated with love and respect. everyone has been saying equality. i think it is the wrong word. your not going to treat a 4 year old the same as a 44 year old. and this of course is what some handicapped people are. i think the golden rule should be played in this one. treat on to others as you wish to be treated. i think you should take in the persons situation as to how they are treated. you cant make a guy who is quadrapligic make you a burger at jack in the box. but you can love him for who he is and what views of life he has. just because the quality of life is differ than your own does not mean he does not have one. but he was born human treat him as one. they are not burdens on the human heart. they are for alot of people the whole heart.

1 point

yes i feel there will be chaos. all the way around. there has been chaos over all of the past presidents whos lives have been cut short at the hand of someone else. however IF he does why does it have to be about race at all? he is promising change people are scared of change. i did not vote this year i did not feel either of them ready of fit for the title. but hey thats just me. i was not very educated or up to date with either of them but what i did hear i did not like. now thats out of the way i can move on to the subject. i think that if a "white man" does it the first thing shouted from the roof tops with be raciest. i think if a "black man" does it, it will be said that he grew up in suburbia and doesnt know about the ghettos or hood or whatever you want to call it. either of these will start mass fights that our country had not seen in quite a while. i feel it will be a he said she said... however if a terrorist does it we will all be mad. it burns my buttons when people complain about who is in office. we voted them in. if you did not vote do not complain!!! and whatever your choice was at least it was your to make. but seriously a large percentage of this country can not even handle the pressure of going to work every day, and maintaining a family. these wonderful brave men no matter their flaws deserve your respect! not every one will be happy at one time. all we can hope is that we stay free, have food in our bellies, and a roof over our head. i know people are having a hard time with these subjects right now so if you feel the urge to complain about our country go do something to help instead of sitting at this computer using up more electricity and do nothing more than complain how everything is so expensive. Is it just me or has the electric bill gone up too?

2 points

I know i am late for this but i just found the site yay. However I do feel I must write in on this subject being as I wrote about this very thing for a college assignment. I personally believe it can go either way. Almost the whole which came first the chicken or the egg question. However I feel that the music has something to say and you take it to heart how you want. Have you ever been stuck in a car with someone and not had control of the radio? I know you have so think about it when they were listening to whatever it was did that not change your mood. If you were up did it bring you down and then in turn not fluster you because you were listening to it even thought you did not really want to? Again with the however, if you have full control over what you are listening to your mood can choose for you. If you are upbeat and want to stay that way you go out of your way to look for that upbeat song, do you not? Or if you are missing someone or a certain time in your life do you not go out of your way to find a song that reminds you of them. I find music VERY soul searching wonderful. I find new meanings in songs that Ive known for years. I find hope in songs that I hear for the first time. I love music and it in turn loves me back.

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