
Socratic4's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Socratic4's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point


what are the means of production? factories? the raw materials that are required in order to create factories already exist in abundance all around you, your incapability of creating factories yourself doesn't mean people that were able to create factories owe you anything.

1 point


who defines what anything is worth? how can the seller overcharge? the buyer gets what he wants cheaper than the cost of what?

1 point

how does capitalism reward only the few? and you should read your comment again, you basically made an argument against capitalism being forcefully implemented and only rewarding a select few.

1 point


your entire argument is predicated on capitalism being forcefully implemented by a select few, can you prove it is so?

1 point

anecdotal evidence doesn't equate to anything, you may as well just say I'm wrong because you want me to be wrong

1 point

the problem is that a majority of women are gravitated around a minority of men, the manifestation of the problem doesn't rely on the reason they do so.

1 point

women may advocate indecisiveness and weakness among men as a result of envy, but women are biologically attracted to aggressive and strong men. the reason being that in ancient times when an enemy tribe descended upon another and killed all the men, women could either subjecte themselves to the conquering men or die in their hands, the women that didn't subjugate themselves died and didn't pass on their defiant genes while the women that did subjugate themselves survived and passed on their capitulating genes.

other than that, your argument doesn't contradict mine.

1 point

so why is there a need for the implementation of communism through a violent revolution? can't you just form communism with a bunch of people that respond better to collective progress? why force your ideology on people? especially as if you do, it means they respond better to personal hedonism which makes them unsuited for communism.

1 point

if You can withdraw only the total product of your own labour what's the point of a communist society? its basically everyone on their own.

other than that, theft is illegal in the west. Didn't you know?

1 point

saying "you're wrong" doesn't refute any argument in any way.

1 point

virtually for the entirety of humanities existence women were second class citizens, and during that time we experienced mostly growth. only as recently as women were alleviated from their responsibility birth rates have begun to plummet, which will result in the dying of the west... Frankly the opposite of what you think is true. but hey, you can keep your feeling of moral superiority and watch western civilization collapse.

other than that, you made a false dichotomy, its not either feminism or inequality before the law, personally, I think men and women should be equal before the law and only encouraged by society to fulfil traditional gender roles.

1 point

are you alleging that you wouldn't have to work in a communist society? if nobody works, how would you obtain the bare minimum?

the less you work the more other people need to work in order to supplement what constitutes the bare minimum that you need. so yes, the less you work the more you receive from others.

not to mention that the "bare minimum" is food and water both we can easily obtain ourselves and we did so for most of humanity's existence.

other than that, what constitutes "using your abilities"? and I don't understand, in your version of communism people receive from what?

1 point

why would number 3 want to be part of a communist society? and you understand that communism creates an environment that encourages people not to work? the less you work the more you receive from others. other than that, what is your definition of communism?

1 point

There's no selling in communism, everything is already owned by everyone and you can't sell people something that's already theirs. a valid analogy would be 3 people, 1 produces 50$ of value, 2 also produces 50$ of value and 3 produces 200$ of value. so 1 and 2 decide to forcefully confiscate 100$ of 3's produce and distribute it between themselves so everyone's equal. if 3 wanted to give 2 and 1 his produce there'd be no need to initiate communism through a violent revolution because he'd do so himself.

1 point

explain yourself, how would The overwhelming majority of people gain on paper under communism?

1 point

so why would the people that receive less than they contribute want to be part of a communist society?

1 point

what is the point of mentioning her race? if she was white would her behavior be less of a problem?

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