
Wheelyone's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Wheelyone's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

This is a letter I tried to email to Gordon Brown. Guess what, his site is down.

Prime Minister

Words almost fail me as I write this letter to you in an attempt to convey my anger about what has been revealed about the state of politics under your stewardship. The British public has long felt that something was wrong, but it has taken the events of the past weeks to show just how disgraceful things have become. You and your like have been responsible for taking the Mother of Parliaments and dragging it through the dirt. When I listen to the feeble excuses put out by Members of all the main stream parties, such as, “I made an accounting mistake, or it was merely maladministration of my affairs” I wonder why people of such incompetence have been allowed to manage my country.

It would seem that politicians have forgotten just what they are, public servants, that is right servants of the public. If you have one iota of conscience, you will call for the dissolution of Parliament and allow for a general election so that the public could sweep you all from power.

If anything good has come from this disgusting state of affairs, it is that I and many like me have seen through the lies and propaganda put about in an attempt to sully the reputation of the British National Party , and we now realise that they have been telling the truth from the start.

I will never again in the foreseeable future vote for any of the present main stream parties, they had their chance, and instead bought shame upon British politics.

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