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Debate Score:62
Total Votes:81
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2E1 - It is easier to make friends in social networking sites such as Facebook t


Side Score: 14


Side Score: 48
2 points

Yes, I agree that making friends on Social Networking sites is easier than face to face.

Social networking sites have a beneficial effect on our way of life. They increase our social interaction and give us more ways to make social connections. As long as the individual remembers and accepts that a decrease in privacy comes with that increased social interaction, then it is a benefit. It stops being a benefit when people forget about the decrease in privacy and do things through social networking sites that they may not want everyone to see.

In this current century, Social networking sites now reach 82 percent of the world’s online population, representing 1.2 billion users around the world.Particularly telling of social networking’s emergence is the amount of time people spent on sites such as Facebook, Orkut, or VKontakte. As a percentage of all the time people spend online, social networking activity has more than tripled in the last few years. In October 2011, Social Networking ranked as the most popular content category in worldwide engagement, accounting for 19 percent of all time spent online.Nearly 1 in every 5 minutes spent online is now spent on social networking sites – a stark contrast from when the category accounted for only 6 percent of time spent online in March 2007.

Because of the fact that the amount of people using social networking sites is increaing, it is also indirectly directing that social networking sites are indeed easier to make friends with, rather than face to face. Are you not using a social networking site to make friends with too?

Side: Agree
1 point

[ Jun Minky ] I agree with the statement. It is easier to make friends in social networking sites such as Facebook. Online social network sites on the Internet, for example; Facebook, are utilized as a meeting place for people. Thus there are millions of people out there and we can keep in touch with any of them regardless of our age, nationality, occupation. Online social networking sites facilitated the building of social networks or social relations among people who, for example, share interests, activities.

The reason why online social networking sites became so popular was due to its availability to provide anyone the chance to interact with others. Allowing “Friends Without Borders” friendships to happen. Can we make friends beyond our circle of friends? Yes, through Online Networking Site, it is possible.

More than a billion users are involved in online social networking sites and they are from all over the world. Some of them from a country you have never heard of. A 2011 survey found that 47% of adults from U.S and U.K use a social network and teenagers were even more active.

Another plus to social networking sites is that they link people with similar interests and causes. The changes in the way we are using technology – notably the rising popularity of sites like MySpace and Facebook – seem to lead to higher quality friendships, less stress, and greater happiness, according to the report.

Communicating over the Internet allows people to be more honest about personal issues that they may be too self-conscious to discuss face-to-face. It’s important for them to have friends and peers with whom they feel comfortable discussing these matters.

This enabled people from different countries to come together and share their common interests and ideas. With increasing number of people accessing to online social networking sites, more and more relationships and friendships are being formed online and then carried to an offline setting. Psychologist and University of Hamburg professor Erich H. Witte says that relationships which start online are much more likely to succeed. From this, we see that making friends through online social networking sites doesn’t always result negatively. In addition, Witte has said that in less than 10 years, online dating will be the predominant way for people to start a relationship.

Arizona State University professor Kory Floyd, while carrying out research on cyberplace friendship, also stated that “We really saw this as a new avenue for relationship development. It was still quite new. We discovered that people form relationships online that are qualitatively quite similar to ones formed in person.” From this we know that friendship formed via Online Networking Site was equally important and sincere just like the offline face-to-face friendship.

Let me give you an example, In year 2010, Facebook officially logged its 500millionth active citizen. If the website were granted terrafirma, it would be the world’s third largest country by population, two-thirds bigger than the U.S. And more 1 in 4 people who browse the internet not only have a Facebook account but have returned to the site within the past 30 days. It is not surprising to know that online social networking is a very important part of our life.

According to iStrategyLabs, which has been tracking Facebook use since 2007, the number of users who are 55 and older grew from 954,680 in January 2009 to more than 9.7 million in January this year. We all thought elders, with the age above 50 , are not so active and involved in online social networking sites. However this statement clearly proves that even the elders were part of that big Facebook family. Online social networking sites enabled the elders to form their friendship and communicate with others online.

We should not judge or lose sight of the advantages online Social networking sites give just because we spend so much time critiquing the dangers. But a judgment-free point of view for people to express themselves, ask questions, and build friendships should not be overlooked.

In conclusion, Online social networking sites play a vital role in our fast-changing life. Being able to meet someone as a "friend" and see what common interests you and him/her shares is a great pleasure you do not want to live without. Online social networking sites not only enabled the people to make friends easier but also allowed people to communicate and interact with people from completely different place. With Online social networking sites, we could broaden the cirlcle of our friends.


not copied and pasted.

infos collected from TIME Magazine

Side: Agree
1 point

Yes, I agree that making friends on Social Networking sites is easier than face to face.

Social networking sites have a beneficial effect on our way of life. They increase our social interaction and give us more ways to make social connections.

In this current century, Social networking sites now reach 82 percent of the world’s online population, representing 1.2 billion users around the world.Particularly telling of social networking’s emergence is the amount of time people spent on sites such as Facebook, Orkut, or VKontakte. As a percentage of all the time people spend online, social networking activity has more than tripled in the last few years. In October 2011, Social Networking ranked as the most popular content category in worldwide engagement, accounting for 19 percent of all time spent online.Nearly 1 in every 5 minutes spent online is now spent on social networking sites – a stark contrast from when the category accounted for only 6 percent of time spent online in March 2007.

Using social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter helps you to be able to connect to your friends better; allowing people to instantaneously share information about their lives, including events, photos, videos and more, with their friends and family. Keeping in touch with people who live far away is much easier with social networking. Losing touch with old friends or distant family members is less likely to happen when you see their faces and updates every day on your social network. Social networks help people stay in close contact when daily life makes it difficult. As such, it is indeed easier to make friends in social networking sites, rather than face to face as technology advances.

Because of the fact that the amount of people using social networking sites is increasing, it is also indirectly stating that social networking sites are indeed easier to make friends with, rather than face to face. Are you not using a social networking site to make friends with too?

Side: Agree
1 point

Everything in the future will be based online, meeting people and talking face-to-face is not necessary. Even if you want to talk face-to-face, it will occur over in programs like Skype.

Making friends is not a matter of whether to use social network or talking face-to-face, it's a matter of the person's ability to communicate. If you can speak well and have good EQ, makings friends is not a problem in any platform.

If a person is mute and cannot talk, he could social networking sites to communicate with people through text. If a person has no access over the Internet and can only talk, he talks.

In my opinion, using social networking sites to communicate and make friends are easier than face-to-face. When online, the amount of awkwardness is significantly reduced. Things said over the Internet might never have been said while face-to-face, you could have never heard your boss praising you in real life than on the Internet.

This is the power of social networking sites. Talking face-to-face is more of a formal conversation where you sit down with another party and discuss about business or work. When the real deal is done, there is nothing to do which results in an awkward moment to see who will be the first to end the conversation. Whereas using social networking sites, you don't have end it that way. You can play games with other people, making friends in the progress. Think. There's no way a person can bring a real life sized Draw My Thing to play face-to-face.

In conclusion and my opinion, I would believe that making friends through social networking sites is easier. It is a rising trend where it will eventually dominate the way we communicate, you may never know it.

©Copyright 2012, Tay Kai Ren.

This post has been written and not Control+V-ed by Tay Kai Ren.

Please upvote~~

Side: Agree
1 point

Making friends in the real world can be hard. You need to overcome issues of trust, intimacy, vulnerability and, sometimes, conflicting loyalties. But the payoff matches the effort: a good friend is invaluable.

In the world of online social networks, the word "friend" is a lot less meaningful; it includes your most casual of virtual acquaintances. Until you have a chance to build a certain level of trust with them, respect and affection, your interaction with your online friends (a.k.a. "buddies" or "contacts", depending on which social network you're using) will often be the digital equivalent of nodding at each other as you pass in the hall.

The good news? It's much, much easier to make "friends" than to make friends. These folks will come in two flavours: people you already know from elsewhere, and people you've met through this particular social network.

There are a few differences between real life and online friends. These differences have to be taken into consideration if you want to start enlarging your circle of friends using online channels, because they will directly impact the quality of the people you engage with, as well as the quality of the overall relationship.

Digital friends are somehow always “on”.

Even if digital friends are not there right now, they will be in a few hours. Being spread all over the world makes digital friends live in a time-space continuum rather than in your own time. So, even if you’re not having a “conversation” in real time with them, they are there and they will respond somehow, eventually.

Digital friends have a limited set of tools to interact with.

Most of the time these tools are only words. There almost certainly will be a lot missing from these interactions, especially body language, eye contact and so on. There will be less emotional involvement as well. Get used to it, it’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Digital friends have an avatar and a status

Instead of a body and a voice, most of the time you will identify a digital friend by the avatar they use on various social media sites, and by their status. Please, don’t base your whole impression of a friend on these. Behind these images there are real people. They can and will change their mind at any time, even if their status remains the same. Subsequently, when they change their avatar, it doesn’t mean they’ve changed their life.

Side: Agree
1 point

easier wat... in social networking site,can make frens with anyone (girl,boy, gay etc) no need to shy shy talk like in real life...cos many boys like very shy talk to girl or gay so in social networking site no need feel shy or any ting cos not face to face...

Side: Agree
1 point

so online people not nervous or scared to talk to in real life ;]]...

Side: Agree
1 point

Yes, i agree that it is easier to make friends online. Social networking sites are sites that bring people together to get to know each other or even share the same interests (e.g. Tumblr) On this social networking sites, people just send in a "hi" and depending on how interested you are you reply and potentially become good friends. You might even makes friends online which are more important to you compared to those you have in real life, like i have.

When making friends online, it will not be as awkward as doing it in real life, as making friends face-to-face requires you to be a good socializer as to avoid awkwardness.

In the real world, you can't just walk to a random stranger and say, " hi" . Instead of appreciating your friendliness they would just label you as "crazy".

Maybe in real life, you have this person you are interested (e.g. someone in your class) You can always "add" the person on Facebook and get to know the person more. Therefore, social networking sites can also help strengthen your other relationships you have in real life.

Hence, it IS easier to make friends on social networking sites.


Side: Agree
yukArin(2) Disputed
1 point

I disagree as friends made on social networking sites are not as trustworthy as those made in real life. You never know if your new "best friend" online is a 40 year old pedophile posing as a 14 year old girl.

Making friends on social networking might help reducing awkwardness but it does not help convey your true emotions. Only talking in real life helps convey your true emotions and intentions.

Getting to know someone in real life also shows one's sincerity. You decide to make friends through talking in real life instead of talking online despite knowing the fact that there would be awkwardness clearly shows your sincerity

Therefore, I disagree with your argument.


Side: Disagree
YunBin(2) Disputed
1 point

Why are we living in a society in which most social life are maintained through real life? That's because it has always been the base line to maintain strong friendships and build up your socializing skills. If you make friends through the virtual life just to get rid of awkwardness and you really do maintain a strong friendship and meet up in real life, how are you so sure that by then, you will not feel awkward?

Also, chatting to someone via social networking with a simple "Hi" could not have been all that random. You would have approacher him/her because they share the same interests. If not, even then, you will be labeled "crazy" or "extra". Nobody in this society approaches just any stranger to say hi or start a bonding. Everyone forges friendship because they have something in common and wants to share their own story.

Finally, if you truly are interested in a certain person and feel shy to actually talk to them face-to-face, starting out with a simple conversation online is perfectly fine. But are you going to maintain that relation with that person forever? If you genuinely want to get to know the person more, you should further progress to eating out together or arranging activities to do. Therefore, social networking sites may play a part in starting out a simple friendship but it should not limit the extend to only conversations via text.

Side: Disagree
-9 points
timeless83(6) Disputed
5 points

but you wont know how your friends are feeling at the time or if they want to talk to you right?

Side: Disagree
yPooheee(9) Disputed
1 point

there you are self contridictory. you stated that the facial expressions cannot be seen. how is one suppose to know and feel the other party's emotions to know how they feel towards us whether good or bad. therefore it is not clear why you reason that maing friends on social networking sites is easier than face to face.

Side: Disagree
NYCSCSS(1) Disputed
1 point

This can be very risky as some 'friends' you made online can possibly not be whom you think they are , also as facial expressions can't be seen , you cannot be certain that the person is lying just to make you happy. Example , if you happen to be friends with a pedophile , he / she will reply back things that will obviously make you happy and make you think that you are funny or entertaining.

Real life friendships , on the other hand , might take some time but you know who your talking to , and you can be sure that they are not a 40 year old man posing like a 14 year old to know you.


Side: Disagree
5 points

Meeting face to face is easier to make friends as you can talk to them directly and he or she will know your attitude and get to know you better, whereas if you use social networking sites the person might not know you fully or what is completely true about you

Side: Disagree
4 points

No i disagree.

Friend is a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal if you actually think you can make friends easily on social network you are too naive.And should reconsider your opinion.

Side: Disagree
8 points

no i disagree too

Social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace do not help you make more genuine close friends, according to a survey by researchers who studied how the websites are changing the nature of friendship networks. Although social networking on the internet helps people to collect hundreds or even thousands of acquaintances, the researchers believe that face to face contact is nearly always necessary to form truly close friendships.

"Although the numbers of friends people have on these sites can be massive, the actual number of close friends is approximately the same in the face to face real world," said psychologist Will Reader, from Sheffield Hallam University.

Social networking websites such as Facebook, Bebo and MySpace have taken off rapidly in recent years. Facebook was launched initially in 2004 for Harvard University members but has since expanded to more than 34 million users worldwide. MySpace, which was set up in 2003, has more than 200 million users and was bought by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation in 2005 for $580m (£285m).

Previous research has suggested that a person's conventional friendship group consists of around 150 people, with five very close friends but larger numbers of people whom we keep in touch with less regularly.

This figure is so consistent that scientists have suggested it is determined by the cognitive constraints of keeping up with large numbers of people.

But Dr Reader and his team have found that social networking sites do allow people to stretch this figure.

The team asked more than 200 people to fill in questionnaires about their online networking, asking for example how many online friends they had, how many of these were close friends and how many they had met face to face. The team found that although the sites allowed contact with hundreds of acquaintances, as with conventional friendship networks, people tend to have around five close friends.

Ninety per cent of contacts whom the subjects regarded as close friends were people they had met face to face.

"People see face to face contact as being absolutely imperative in forming close friendships," added Dr Reader. He told the British Association Festival of Science in York that social networking sites allow people to broaden their list of nodding acquaintances because staying in touch online is easy. "What social network sites can do is decrease the cost of maintaining and forming these social networks because we can post information to multiple people," he said.

But to develop a real friendship we need to see that the other person is trustworthy, said Dr Reader. "What we need is to be absolutely sure that a person is really going to invest in us, is really going to be there for us when we need them ... It's very easy to be deceptive on the internet."

Side: Disagree
4 points

I disagree 3.

Social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace do not help you make more genuine close friends, according to a survey by researchers who studied how the websites are changing the nature of friendship networks. Although social networking on the internet helps people to collect hundreds or even thousands of acquaintances, the researchers believe that face to face contact is nearly always necessary to form truly close friendships.

"Although the numbers of friends people have on these sites can be massive, the actual number of close friends is approximately the same in the face to face real world," said psychologist Will Reader, from Sheffield Hallam University.

Social networking websites such as Facebook, Bebo and MySpace have taken off rapidly in recent years. Facebook was launched initially in 2004 for Harvard University members but has since expanded to more than 34 million users worldwide. MySpace, which was set up in 2003, has more than 200 million users and was bought by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation in 2005 for $580m (£285m).

Previous research has suggested that a person's conventional friendship group consists of around 150 people, with five very close friends but larger numbers of people whom we keep in touch with less regularly.

This figure is so consistent that scientists have suggested it is determined by the cognitive constraints of keeping up with large numbers of people.

But Dr Reader and his team have found that social networking sites do allow people to stretch this figure.

The team asked more than 200 people to fill in questionnaires about their online networking, asking for example how many online friends they had, how many of these were close friends and how many they had met face to face. The team found that although the sites allowed contact with hundreds of acquaintances, as with conventional friendship networks, people tend to have around five close friends.

Ninety per cent of contacts whom the subjects regarded as close friends were people they had met face to face.

"People see face to face contact as being absolutely imperative in forming close friendships," added Dr Reader. He told the British Association Festival of Science in York that social networking sites allow people to broaden their list of nodding acquaintances because staying in touch online is easy. "What social network sites can do is decrease the cost of maintaining and forming these social networks because we can post information to multiple people," he said.

But to develop a real friendship we need to see that the other person is trustworthy, said Dr Reader. "What we need is to be absolutely sure that a person is really going to invest in us, is really going to be there for us when we need them ... It's very easy to be deceptive on the internet."

Side: Disagree
2 points

Making friend on the internet is fun, but sometimes can be dangerous as it can become addictive thus causing your schoolwork to go down. And besides, it might be more fun to go online but when you make friends online, do you even say hi to them in person, or do you pretend you do not know them?? So what is the difference. You might as well make friends offline.

Side: Disagree
1 point

When it comes to a face to face situation, you can get to know more about the character of the person through the actions and emotions. But for social networking, you can only base on the words and sometimes wordings may be misleading, leading you to think of something which the person might not be trying to express.

CIA uses Facebook as a Data-Mining Project

Facebook the "greatest espionage tool in history"

Facebook automatically collects confidential data of the registered site users, and Mathaba and now Assange have alleged that this information is then transferred to the U.S. intelligence which provided seed funding for Zuckerberg's Facebook.

Yes, I heard rumors that Facebook is the ultimate spy tool for the CIA. However, the CIA is unauthorized to spy on American Citizens, but we all know that the CIA does whatever the Fuck it wants.

Side: Disagree
2 points

People using social networking sites, such as Facebook or Twitter, can keep their profile anoymous. People who you know online may not be the person you think are. Let me give you an example: One who you thnk is a 14 year old girl can actually be a 70 year old man. Many people will get conned because they make friends online. Making friends in real life will mean you will at least know who they are and what they look like. Therefore I think that it is better and safer to make friends face to face than in social networking sites.

Side: Disagree
minkyminky(3) Disputed
1 point

[Jun Minky : Rebuttal ]

YuLiang is talking about the possible dangers of using Social Networking sites, not so much of the difficulties of making friends via Social Networking sites. Thus he is rather out of the point, away from the topic " It is easier to make friends in social networking sites such as Facebook"

We should not just conclude that making friends via Social Networking sites is always dangerous. Most of the Social Networking sites users complained regarding the security and privacy measures of the sites. Thus security and privacy measures of most Social Networking sites has been strengthened. Thus,as what he mentioned "70 year old man faking as 14 year old girl "is almost impossible to happen.

Plus, there are 82 percent of the world’s online population, up to more than 1 billion users around the world, active on Social Networking sites. Facebook alone has 600Million users. As you can see, huge number of people are involved in Social Networking sites and this indicates that the security and privacy measures of the sites are highly trusted by many people.

Thus, i can conclude that Social Networking sites are safe enough for people to make true friends.

Making friends via Social Networking sites, unlike face-to-face, does not require one to personally contact and introduce who they are. one can simply look at the profile and check out the common interest and from there, one can form a true friendship online. Social Networking sites, such as Skype, offers live video chatting, and audio services, so you can exactly see, communicate ,listen to your online friend.

Side: Agree
1 point

DISAGREE Yes social networking can make friends easily but you will never know the friends you meet, they might be some lech that is looking for the perfect opportunity to prey on you,so in the end they are not considered as 'friends'.

Side: Disagree
1 point

i disagree.

People using social networking sites, such as Facebook or Twitter, can keep their profile anoymous. People who you know online may not be the person you think are. Let me give you an example: One who you think is a 14 year old girl can actually be a 70 year old man. Many people will get conned because they make friends online. Making friends in real life will mean you will at least know who they are and what they look like. Therefore I think that it is better,easier and safer to make friends face to face than in social networking sites.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I disagree because in real life talking face to face you would be able to see the person and hence you would be able to express your feelings rather than in social networking sites, you would not be able to express your feelings better as you would be typing out what you say and not expressing it out and hence, the person reading it would not understand what you feel.

so, it would be harder understand how the other person feels and hence you would not be able to make friends easily.

It is also hard to maintain the friendship as once the friend stop talking to you, your friendship would get worse. and hence, if you make friend on social networking sites, you would have a shaky relationship with the person. While in real life, you would be able to maintain the friendship better.

Side: Disagree
1 point

[Xiao Xuan] When you are doing a face to face chatting, you can get to know the real personality of the person you are chatting with. But when you are chatting online, the new friend you are chatting with, can lie about their age and gender to chat with you. Adding to that, one can easily misunderstand a person's tone or mood. Also, when chatting face to face, you can express your emotion better. It's great that we can chat with friends even at the other part on Earth but nothing beats the time you spend together with your real friends. Most of the times when you post something online, you don't really think before you post, which will easily cause misunderstanding. If someone doens't include emotion icons, you might misunderstand the person's intention and thus starting arguments easily. Making friends online is new but can be 'dangerous'. Face to face is the safest and that's the easiest way to get to know each other and be friends.

Side: Disagree
1 point

The people of the future generations might be unable to distinguish between meaningful. Your attention span will also shorten as time goes by if you spend too much time being on the internet, especially in social networking sites as there is are too many information to consume that we rarely spend any time exploring any of it in great detail.

Being on social networking sites also cause distraction and harm productivity as when we do our work and be on the Internet at the same time, it’s hard to stay focused as it will seduce you into wasting time as they are a constant stream of news and view from people who you want to listen and pay attention to. The games online also tempt you into playing for many hours when you only intend to play for about five minutes, hence you will waste your time and produce nothing, hence affecting your level of productivity.

Over-sharing and loss of privacy are also the causes of using social networking sites. For example, Facebook allos us to list our full name and birthday, reveal who our family members are, share our work history, our hoobies and interest, what we like and dislike and even who we are in a relationship with. But we are doing so without any kind of prodding or pushing, so it means that we are giving away our personal information willingly.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I disagree with this statement.The idea of ‘friends‘ was once very simple. If you knew someone, hung out with them regularly, and liked their company then they were a friend. While the people who still fit that description are still your friends, so are the people you have connected with on social networking sites apparently. Whether you talk to them, care about what they’re up to, or have any interest in them whatsoever, they’re still listed as friends.

This has muddied the waters considerably.Several people who have thousands of friends on social networking sites. Do you really know them? Some might actually have hidden meanings(negative) like planning to extort money from you. Yes. It is easy to make friends online but some might not be the ideal friends we are thinking about and some may also invade your privacy by pretending to be friends with you.Making friends online are dangerous as they are not truthful of their real identities. There is no face-to-face communication, cyberpals can easily hide or misrepresent themselves and pretend to be what they are not. Therefore, revealing some personal information to cyberpal(s) could result in a potentially threatening situation.

There have been reported cases of paedophiles using online and bulletin board services to entrap children and teenagers. The online paedophiles start off being friendly and showing concern for their well-being. After gaining their trust, the paedophiles will ask some intimate questions, such as their vital statistics, and make promises of gifts, movies and meals. Then slowly the paedophiles will suggest online sex or to meet in person. An example of a reported case is that of a 37-year-old man who tried to rape a 13-year-old girl whom he befriended in cyberspace (The Straits Times, 17 March 2007).

Police statistics showed that the rapes committed by paedophiles who met their victims online or via phone chatlines went up from 5 in 2004 to 13 in 2005. According to the police, between 2001 and 2006 there were 124 reported cases of female victims of sexual crimes as a result of knowing the offenders through the Internet. Of these reported cases, about 80 victims were below 16 years of age.

Some people may think that it is easier to mke friends on social networking sites but do not realize the harm they are bringing to themselves.They would tend to feel that it is fun and interactive and getting to know more people is cool and great to them.Getting to know friends through social networking sites without meeting the person face-to-face is normal for people who does that every day by making friends online. Little did they realize that it is easy to hide the person's real identity (e.g. name, gender, age);where there is no verbal and physical clues to sense emotions and feelings, leading to a high chance of deception. On the other hand, making friends in the real world allows you to have a greater understanding of that person as it is difficult to hide his/her real identity, body language and expression.

Although meeting friends in the real world may be akward, where some friends just ignore you without bothering to say hello, it is also an experience that we will learn. In our life,we are surely bound to make new friends be it collegues,friends,managers and even our wife or husband.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I disagree. we express our feelings in front of them when we are talking or chatting personally. we can share our genuine excitement, emotional feel together when we face to face. unlike when we go online and chat on social networking sites, if we type out wrong things, other people might get misunderstandings.

when we make friends on social sites and we do not know them in real life, we might get cheated as their profile might be fake. When we stop chatting on social networking sites, our relationships will get worse unlike meeting each other in real life.

Side: Disagree
jessicayi(3) Disputed
1 point

If you were to say that if we stop chatting on social networking sites our relationship will get worser, won't that be the same as saying that if you stop chatting with your friends in real life, your relationship with them will also get worser as well? And by saying worser, won't that be 10 times worser than in social networking sites as you will be facing them almost everyday, isn't it? If that's the case, won't that be easier if you make friends in social networking sites and chat with them instead of chatting with your friends in reality? And instead of making your life difficult for yourself, why not make friends online? It's much easier and better than dealing with your friendships if it gets worse, won't that be?

Side: Agree
1 point

I do not agree that making friends via social networking sites is easier than when making friends face to face.

I believe that although it may be easier to make friends through the internet, it may not be as strong and as bonded as when you make friends face to face. Such friendships forged are only skin deep whereas for friends whom we've made while meeting each other, we usually have a stronger bond and tend to be more dependant on each other. And if we are able to make many friends through social networking by sharing the same interests, why is it that it cannot be done in real life? Instead of building relationships virtually, we can go out make make REAL friends through clubs and activities, or preferably voluntary work. This is bound to make a more reliable friendship compared to when on the internet.

Another negative point when forging friendships online is that we are not able to identify the person we are communicating to. Although the profile they have are seemingly persuasive, it may be made up and fake. This may be a kind of threat as when we believe the person we are chatting to, we tend to give out our personal information and thoughts. Who knows they might use it against us when they are in need of money or sexual wants.

Although social networking sites may help us to get to know each other in a more convenient way, and keep updates on each other instantaneously, it should be kept to only that extend and NOT starting a friendship from scratch through it. Social media is only something for us to keep in contact with our friends who we may have lost contact with or are staying overseas.

Therefore, I feel that making friends face to face is easier than through social networking sites as it lets us feel a greater sense of security and thus, tightly bonded friendships.

Side: Disagree
1 point

i dis agree with the statement. making friends means that you actually make a friend by starting a relationship with them that is called friendship. when you are on a social networking site, you do not need to build a frienship to make a friend. you just simply click a button "add friend" or "follow" to make a friend. this means the other party can just blindly accept the request or deny. it is equivilent of going up to a person in a ski mask and ask them would him/her be his/her fiend. or going on a blind date. making friends in real life is easier as factors are involved such as apperance, attitude, personality etc. these things will help you make a friend and build that relationship emotonally. so the other party knows what kind of person he/she is accepting as a friend. and in face to face, in the process of making a friend, humour and other emotions will pop up to further build their relationship. while at the virtual world you can only see words on screens and emoticons which may not perfectly suite your emotion at a perticular point. therefore, making friends face to face has much more factors to help make friends. thus making friends face to face is much easier.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I disagree wif the statement. To make frens in social networking site will restrict both parties to face each other, restricting them to see each other face face to face resulting in not knowing each other very well as each party wont have their own personal impression on each other as the social networking site will only disclose limited infomation of a person because of safety precautionaries taken by users...

Whereas in real life meeting face to face each party will know morabout the other parties, like about their image, their style and also values of each other,as some users may fake in talking decently and also users can also act to 'sweet-talk' to attract other users....

Side: Disagree
1 point

I disagree with this statement. It is not easy to make friends in social networking sites such as Facebook. The definition of “friend” is a person you know well and regard with affection and trust. When making friends on social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter, you are interacting with people whom you are not able to see in real life. This means that you will not be able to know how they really look like. Without seeing the person in real life, you may not be able to tell what type of character the person has. It will not be easy to trust someone when you cannot tell what kind of person he is. People whom you communicate on social network could easily put up a front very different from their own characters in real life. It means that they behave very differently on the virtual world from that in the real world. They present themselves differently so that others would be “interested” to make friends with them. By that, the person would not be their true self which contradicts the very meaning of trust in a friend.

On the other hand, when interacting with someone face-to-face in the real world, you can look out for tell-tale signs which could give some insights to their true characters. When you know a person’s character, it would be easier for you to decide to trust him or otherwise. Many things can be derived from the way a person behaves in your presence. A lot has been written by experts on body language which equates certain character to the way a person positions his body. On top of being able to read a person’s character, physical interaction with someone also creates an atmosphere for better bonding. For example, you can easily share laughter with someone who is physically present with you than with someone whom you are chatting with over the internet.

From my personal experience, I have come across people who behave very differently from their true selves when interacting on the social networks. I realize this after I had the opportunity to meet them in real life. I know of others who also shared the same stories. With these facts, I would concur that it is not easy to make friends in social networking sites.

Side: Disagree
1 point

No , i disagree with the topic.

If you have met a friend a social networking sites , you can only know that person from what he says but you would not know anything else about that person.There is an possibility that the 'friend' you have met is not who they appear to be. Also if you only know that person from what that person says , you will not know well what that person like or dislike. This can lead to an arguement online if the wrong things was said , which results in a cold war. And most of all , if you don't have access to the internet at all or if you are limited to a certain amount of time on the net due to your parents , you will not be able to chat with your friend that often and they might carry on with their life and forgot about you.

On the other hand, making friends face to face actually does let you know who you are really talking to. Also if you have a friend whom you know in real life , you can know what that person likes or dislike though time , and you can get those things to please your friend , leading to a closer bond. Real life friendships also last a long time , some even lasts a life time! In real life friendships , even if you had quarrel with your friends , you can find new ones as they are all around you , or maybe some other friends might help the two of you patch things up. Making a real life friend can start from something as simple as bumping into each other , and the two of you will start talking , which can possibly lead to a conversation , then to a friendship.

Therefore , i disagree with the statement.


Side: Disagree