
Debate Info

30Rock The Office
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:13
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 30Rock (6)
 The Office (3)

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CubeGlider(132) pic

30Rock VS The Office

These have got two be two of the funniest shows ever aired on television. Which one is better?


Side Score: 6

The Office

Side Score: 6
1 point

Gotta lean towards 30Rock with this one. I'm not saying 30Rock is perfect, but The Office can be pretty hit-and-miss sometimes.

Side: Suggestions

Assuming, it is the American version of the office then 30 Rock is much funnier. If however it is the British Office, that beats both.

Side: Suggestions
1 point

Neither. Parks and Recreation is the best. Amy Poehler tickles my funny bone way better than Tina Fey or Steve Carrell ever could.

Side: Parks and Recreation
1 point

30Rock is better simply because they don't do the whole like reality TV show kind of thing like the Office. Also i can always get a laugh with 30Rock but not so much for the office

Side: Suggestions
1 point

Watched one episode of the Office, got sick of it. Didn't like Steve on TDS, haven't liked him since. I did like the UK version though... so it might have been my prejudice against Steve.

Side: 30Rock
2 points

The Office really allows you to believe that this is how a small office is like, and it is simply hilarious.

30 Rock is really hit & miss with me personally, some episodes I find so monotonous and utterly bland I have to watch something else.

Side: The Office
P1eman(4) Disputed
1 point

not true I've worked in quite a few offices and its never really been like that, I mean sure there's some drama. but not like on the show.

Side: Suggestions
2 points

It was very difficult to make this decision, but I finally decided to choose The Office. I am much more attached to the characters of The Office (Jim and Pam, Dwight, Andy, Angela, Michael, Oscar and the rest) than those of 30 Rock. Tina Fey is one of the funniest comedians, but the utter hilarious nature of the office antics between Dwight and Jim is just too great of a feat to surpass.

Side: The Office

The Office is much more funny with Steve Carrell although Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin do produce a good product.------------

Side: The Office