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 A Crazy Democrat tweets Charles Manson was pardoned (1)

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Chinaman(3570) pic

A Crazy Democrat tweets Charles Manson was pardoned

Williamson tweeted: “There is something deeply sinister about Trump pardoning Charles Manson, even posthumously. Dog whistles of the very worst possible kind…”

Williamson later deleted the tweet and issued a correction stating: “I erroneously tweeted that President Trump had posthumously pardoned Charles Manson. Glad to have been wrong.”

Democrats are really deranged and Marianne Williamson shows it.
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1 point

Marianne Williamson still thinks the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor.

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Ms. Williamson, I will point out, didn't go far in the Democratic Presidential nominations. Trump would not have, either. We are far more careful with whom we let into OUR White House!