
Debate Info

Physical Emotional
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Physical (1)
 Emotional (3)

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austinbiya(22) pic


What works best for a form of punishment to inforce rules in our usual day today lives



Side Score: 1


Side Score: 3
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1 point

This advertisement proved to be significantly more effective than any previous efforts to curb dangerous driving on Australian roads. It might look funny (and I don't know if the hand gesture has the same meaning in other countries); but us Aussie boys take our penises pretty seriously. So the suggestion that speeding or hooning might be correlated with having a small penis really hit home for a lot of guys.

Side: Emotional
1 point

Meh, if some lady made that hand gesture at me as I sped past her I'd just whip it out, stick it out the window, and show her the error of her ways. XD

Idk man in the states every third thing is supposed to give some kind of indication to your penis size. If you work out too much or drive a big car you've got a small dick. There's only so much we can take before that scare-tactic claim starts losing more credibility than it already has.

But it's a good ad for you Australians, for sure.

Side: Physical
1 point

emotional lasts for a longer time...physical can be healed and no trace will be marked in most cases....emotionally will always be remembered...

Side: Emotional

Take away from a person something he or she really likes for a couple of weeks and that person will learn a good lesson the hard way.

Side: Emotional