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Sitara(11080) pic

A list of spiritual and religious terms defined.

1. Monotheism: the belief in one god, male, female, or gender neutral. 2. Polytheism: the belief in two or more gods. 3. Pantheism: the universe god. 4. Panentheism: the universe is part of God, but God is greater than the universe. 5. Deism: the belief in one god that startred everything, but he/she/it does not intervene in current affairs. 6. Polydeism: a cross between polytheism, and deism. 7. Pandeism: a cross between pantheism and polytheism. 8. Panendeism: a cross between panentheism and deism. 9. Atheism: there is no god. AveSatanas says: that atheism is the lack of a belief in a god or gods. I feel that my statements allows freedom for what she said, but meh. 10. Autotheism: I am God, bwahahahaha! 11. I have no idea if there is a god. 12. Apatheism: who cares if there is a god? 13. Any one of these can be combined with value judgment theisms such as: eutheism (God is 100% good), dystheism: (God is both good and evil), and maltheism (God is evil). 14. I thought this list would be helpful in future debates. Let me know if I missed anything.

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2 points

Atheism is wrong. It is the lack of belief in a god/gods/deities/supernatural. Strong/positive atheists might hold the position that they say their is no god, but atheism alone is just the lack of belief in one.

Sitara(11080) Clarified
1 point

Their are different types of atheists? .

1 point

9. Atheism: there is no god.

This one is wrong. If someone's answer to the question "Do you believe one or more gods exist?" is anything but "Yes", then they are an atheist.

A child who has never been told about the concept of a god would be an atheist.