
Debate Info

Truth in a basket Truth in a bucket
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Truth in a basket (2)
 Truth in a bucket (3)

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OmegaPan(710) pic

A simple explanation for why Libs hate Conservatives

Truth in a basket

Side Score: 3

Truth in a bucket

Side Score: 3
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1 point

A simple explanation for why Libs hate Conservatives

Hello O:

Actually, the opposite is true. As a lib, I HATE nobody.. Fact is, conservatives love their country just like I do. They're just wrong.

As PROOF of the above, my explanation will bring on oodles and oodles of hate heaped upon me from people on your side.. Watch, and learn.


Side: Truth in a bucket
WormPod(59) Disputed
2 points

Actually, the opposite is true. As a lib, I HATE nobody..

Yeah. You love Trump, the deplorables, those being blocked by social media for posting the flag. Talk is cheap. Talk is fake. Love is an action, not an abstract thought.

Side: Truth in a basket
excon(18261) Disputed
1 point

Hello Worm:

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.. I don't hate my political rivals. They love their country just as much as I do. I disagree with them, and I'm good at it.. That shouldn't be mistaken for disdain....


Side: Truth in a bucket
ViceVega(19) Disputed
1 point

Talk is cheap. Talk is fake. Love is an action, not an abstract thought.

Deep dude. Very deep.

Side: Truth in a bucket