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ricedaragh(2494) pic

A way to help spread the word about this site.

I'll assume that most people on here have Reddit accounts, if not, then you could set one up.

When you make a debate or see a really interesting one, link it to a specific subReddit such as /r/atheism (, then add a link to it into the debate's description. 

We as a group can then upvote the Reddit post so it gets noticed. Getting it to the front page if lucky. This will be seen by millions of people and probably drum up some much needed attention for the site.

Not to compare us to 4chan, but there is something to be learned from /b/ and how much they get done as a group whether or not what they do is noble, it could work for us.

As links are the point of Reddit, this isn't spamming, or at least I hope it isn't. What say you?


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2 points

I love this suggestion. It is great for a number of reasons.

1. It uses Reddit, but doesn't spam their site...they get more quality traffic, we get more quality traffic.

2. Everyone can help...but it will take everyone's effort to pull it off

3. If it makes the front page on Reddit, then others will take note, the kind of others who write reviews and are influential to driving traffic to a site.

Great idea! I will make a feature debate about it tonight as I am off to my day job!


I was also wondering if there is any way that you know who is clicking on your advertising links

If so you could add a points system to our profile page whereby those that are clicking on the links, which is in turn adding to the sites revenue could be rewarded.

Like getting a createdebate T-shirt, Mug or whatever for the most clicked per quarter or however long it takes for this to be a benefit.

I reckon this would encourage users to click on them a lot.

1 point

Sorry, what is Reddit?

Google it .

Emperor(1348) Disputed
1 point

A terrible mainstream site that ripped memes from 4chan, distorted the meaning of meme to mean a silly face with a caption or comic, and has become popular because people love funny images and discussion about topics people post on the site.