
Debate Info

Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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Lynaldea(1227) pic

1 point

This is legit.

There is relevance and everything else is X, Y, Z. Do not deny reality.

1 point

What crazy shit are you going on about now?

1 point

Crazy shit? LOl :P

The video embedded is so profound. It's not just that, the principles; the philosophy..more.

You think I'm "just goin on about it?" lol whatever...

1 point

I didn't even watch the video...

1 point

Why is there a period before the "B" in Youtube? I'm not an expert in this sort of stuff... but that seems kind of sketchy.

1 point

Just so everyone knows... don't search his link. It's a virus. youtube-links-hackvirus-alert.html

1 point

Or it's something else... I don't know. I'd stay away though!

1 point


Let's all just take a deep breath...

1 point

I don't want to watch an hour long video.


Theeeeey told me I was wrong!!!

They saaaaid I was a lunaaatic!

But I KNEW IT!!!

i waaas riiiite!