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Debate Score:8
Total Votes:10
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 Disagree (1)

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JakeJ(3255) pic

'America Has Shown Aarogance'

President Barack Obama has offered an apology for the Bush era, declaring that America had “shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive” towards its allies.


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 3
2 points

I think this is pretty much an understood characteristic of who we are.

We go to foreign countries and get pissed when they don't speak english for christ's sake.

But I think Obama was talking about policies, not individuals. And in that case too, he's right, the way we handled Iraq, the whole you're with us or against us, ducking out of the Kyoto thing, we've been pretty arrogant in our foreign policy.

Side: agree
1 point

Of course we have~ But then again, we always have and they've never seemed to be all that mad at us so it's okay.

I mean, it wasn't all Bush's fault. State-side Americans in general are just hailed by most other countries as total pricks. Even Canada D:. I have a lot of Canadian friends too.

But yeah, we're pretty arrogant in general.

Side: agree
1 point

Who never seemed to be mad at us?


Side: agree
1 point

Obama's right, but he doesn't refer to the deeper, underlying problem of a national culture of arrogance. While the last 8 years have been nothing but unrestrained arrogance in our international conduct, it can be traced back to how we look at ourselves as a people.

Americans consistently rate themselves as smarter, more attractive, and more important than do people of other countries, in all age groups. This is to say it's a statistically significant occurrence. While etiology is notoriously elusive in the social sciences, the intuitive causes are ubiquitous in the many arenas of our lives.

Unquestioning pride is considered a virtue here. We live in the best goddamn state in the best goddamn country, and so on. Somehow we as a nation are special, and are on some kind of moral crusade to improve the world. But look into a history book-- which countries promote a culture of exceptionalism? Generally, it's the kind of evil assholes who have to trick their country into doing the reprehensible things they do. I guess to summarize, I'd say we are an arrogant people, and our actions in the world definitely reflect that.

Side: agree
1 point

Well, i neither agree nor disagree. I actually liked some of Obama's speech because he did scold Europe for always taking a shit on us and for not helping us out enough, but the whole scolding America thing was really just to get them on his side.

Are we arrogant? as much as every other country. I really don't think that they're better than us in anyway (except they're more liberal with their drug laws in some parts of Europe). But, I don't think we're much better than them either (except that we have a much better military).

Obama was playing to the crowd (as he has been programmed to) but Europe is important to us in the War on Terror. I may disagree with almost everything Obama is doing, but I do understand his approach here and I support him. He does want to fight this War (because he's not retarded) and I hope he succeeds in winning it. Even if he declares Iraq as lost (which would be pretty stupid) he still has to win this War. We can't bitch and moan about everything he does and we have to understand his motives.

He dissed America, but you have to see why he was doing it. As O'Reilly said "we need Europe and Obama is doing the right thing".

Side: Disagree