
Debate Info

Let them look after themselves It's in America's interest to
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:12
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 Let them look after themselves (4)
 It's in America's interest to (4)

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Kalamazoo(333) pic

America's fickle allies should be left to fend for themselves.

First Britain, and now France, Germany as well as Italy are to join the China- led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. This is another step in the ladder for China's ( not so stealthy ) quest for global economic and military domination. China's foreign policy of expansionism and eventual global supremacy is being aided and abetted by America's shotsighted, self seeking allies. Western Europe expects the United States to provide a military protective umbrella over their countries, whilst stabbing their greatest and most reliable ally, in the back by giving a boost to China's disquiting ambitions. The U.S, should pull it's, expensive to maintain, military installations out of Europe and perhaps the resulting feeling of isolation will force the European's to see a little clearer and realise that they owe their very existence to the sacrifices of the American nation. 

Let them look after themselves

Side Score: 5

It's in America's interest to

Side Score: 6
2 points

As the Forum's self appointed adjudicator you'd make a pretty good manure salesman. In my mind's eye I can see you pushing a fly covered wheel barrow of your own home made text diarrhea through the streets of Ballydung. Apart from providing some amusement for me, the point of your contribution to the debate was?

Side: Let them look after themselves
2 points

Are you EVER going to figure out what the "support" "dispute" "clarify" buttons do?

Side: It's in America's interest to
1 point

What exactly is the USA doing for Europe that isnt directly in the their interest too?

Side: Let them look after themselves
1 point

I ask again, what relevance does your drivel have to the issue on hand? You see, fool, I play by my own rules and I certainly don't need one of life's failures to try to persuade me to follow the rest of the sheeple. You stay in the herd, I'll do things my way. Do try to keep up like a good lad.

Side: Let them look after themselves
2 points

I ask again, why not use the support, dispute, and clarify buttons?

Side: It's in America's interest to
0 points

Atrag;- if you're that benighted that you don't know your history, and so ignorant of current affairs, then any attempt to try to explain the situation to you would be utterly futile. Such an effort would be akin to attempting to teach a donkey psychics and applied maths. Go and have a good old hee-haw down at your local stable.

Side: Let them look after themselves
1 point

Isn't it so much fun, insulting people rather than taking part in a legitimate conversation?

Side: It's in America's interest to

lots of Our allies are always helping us. Its not fair that when they are under attack and we just leave them. besides, it would be foolish idea to let them die if they don't stand a chance against the enemy.

Side: It's in America's interest to