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 An atheist society: (4)

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feelingtruth(2774) pic

An atheist society:

I just read the giver again, its been like... a really long time, but i had an impulse to read it, and i just finished it and all i can say is, the society depicted in that book is exactly how an atheistic society would work. And its kind of already is how society is today in a few ways, the only difference between the book and life is life isnt as organized controlled, but its getting there... 

So what do you think, is the society in that book an atheistic society? A purely scientific society...

(Also, do they even require kids to read this book anymore? i remember it was mandatory when i was growing up) 

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2 points

An athiest Society would be more or less the same.

Humans are Humans, we will always be hieracial, competative, emotional and carry blame through to our decendents.

But I need to read this book I think, maybe I will change my view, but I'm not hopefull, and a bit of a synic in relation to the human race or any species come to that animal or vegtable. :(

1 point

I've never read the book, but if it's dystopian, then NOPE.

Science is glorious and a pathway to adventure! If we had more resources due to harnessing new forms of energy, which science can help us do, we could go into deep space and explore the galaxies.

Pioneers of the future. Colonizers of the galaxy.

It would be a fantastic world, where people are given freedom of thought and action, within reason, and where economic stability is #1, yet still provides for innovation.

It is difficult to imagine, but science can make this happen so that people can be happy and free.

1 point

i know but i dont think people love science the way we do cough big businesses cough i DO love science, but over time its not that ive grown apart from science, science has grown apart from me T_T maybe its time to grow up.... no.... NEVAR lol

And the society depicted is a dystopian utopia, i highly recommend the book, its only a couple hours read

Emperor(1340) Disputed
1 point

Ugh. Big business is ...meh.

I wish Google would become the government. It'd be horrifying, but then, I guess replacing taxes with advertisements for businesses wouldn't be so bad.

Kinda weird and awkward, but eh. We'd certainly get free internet, like they're already doing.