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 Are Parents Responsible For Child's Failure? (3)

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dammeejay(37) pic

Are Parents Responsible For Child's Failure?

Are parents responsible for their childrens failure?
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1 point

No child should use his parent as an excuse for his failure. Many from where I come from are orphans and I'll say are success stories today. Failure or Success is a gift,you alone have the power to choose. No parents aren't responsible for their child's failure.

Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

There is more than an adequate basis of psychological and neurological evidence to prove that parents have a heavy influence upon the developmental psychology of their children. This does not mean they are the sole influence or that bad parenting dooms a person, but it does mean that they are significant in terms of the development of a person into who they will be later in their adult life.

1 point

During the early stages of life yes . If the child grows up and happens to fall short by becoming dependent on hardcore drugs which in turn interrupts their productivity, then the answer is no.