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Debate Score:2
Total Votes:3
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infected20(304) pic

Are Satan are any of the devils real?

I was wondering what anyone thinks about this.


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 1
0 points

If god is real then satan is real too. I am not that religious but imo they coexist. Satans are the ones who rebelled against the God. There are things going for and against. If one of them exist, the other one exists too. All the bad temptations & sins humans exhibit are works of the evil.

Side: Yes
1 point

No. I think he and all of the other devils are fake completely. I think it's something that we teach younger kids.

Side: No
godd(5) Clarified
0 points

Religion itself is a belief, which humans created but there is an energy that created us, which is god. Perhaps devil is real.

Side: Yes