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Debate Score:14
Total Votes:16
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Srom(12120) pic

Are female children safe in today's society?


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 6
2 points

At risk from what? and why female children, surely boys are equally at risk unless there's something specific your thinking of, the debate is a little vague at the moment

Side: Yes
Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
0 points

depends on society... not all of them see girls as equal or as humans at all.

Side: Yes
TheAshman(2298) Disputed
2 points

But he hasn't specified if he means being stupid and hurting themselves its about the same for boys and girls, pedophiles maybe the same maybe girls are more at risk, being lured by the evils of Sex, Drugs and Rock N Roll I'd say boys were marginally more at risk. We need to know specifics on what these risks are.

Side: No

what the hell is this????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Side: Yes
Srom(12120) Clarified
1 point

A debate that's what it is.

Side: Yes
lupusFati(790) Disputed
1 point

You should honestly have specified which society. Otherwise I don't see that anyone has to make sense of a vague question.

Side: No
0 points

depends what you mean by society. If is it US/EU... then yes they usually are but can't say same about middle east, Africa or China.

Side: Yes
Taqwacore(668) Disputed
1 point

If is it US/EU... then yes they usually are

Except for all that child rape and child porn that is so prolific in the US/EU. Europeans are a bunch of kiddie fiddlers.

Side: No
1 point

No. Female children are still subject to sexual exploitation and pedophilia at six times the rate of boys.

Side: No
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

There are a lot of reasons why the stats suggest that. Boys are less likely to report abuse because of the same for one thing.

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes, that makes sense. .

Side: Yes