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 Are guys that are players worth waiting for? (5)

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bartzy94(8) pic

Are guys that are players worth waiting for?

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2 points

No, stop waiting and hook up with a hot looking desperate dude.

is any one worth waiting for?

any ways, important answers to have:

is he playing you?

why/(why not) is he playing you?

1 point

Hell yeah.

Then call yourself a cab and go home thank you.

1 point

There are different types of guys. Some you have sex with only, some you date, some you live with and some you marry. Players are honest. They will never be faithful for various personal reasons. You can never change someone - they must change themselves. Players are not relationship material. They know this, and so should people who sleep with them.

No, they arnt worth your time. Because for one, you deserve better than that, and two there is someone out there that IS worth your time and wont be a player because the only one he wants to be with is you. And then he is the one that is worth waiting for.