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Debate Score:17
Total Votes:21
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 yes (5)
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hoskings(39) pic

Are pirates homosexuals?

I think that "some" pirates may be homosexual dues to the fact that the will spend long lengths of time on a boat with other man pirates, and of course if a pirate gets lonely they could get pretty desperate and thats where the term "pirate butt secks" came from. o.o wierd huh?Yell


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 10
1 point

of course they are :) pirate are homos and so is everyone that likes pirates

Side: yes
1 point

I find the term "butt pirate" refers to the fact that many pirates referred to the point at in which they put themselves into the sexual positions of homosexuality. As you know, pirates sped many a long time on the sea, and the temptation to have some sort of sexual release would be the most probably cause of the referred homosexuality.

Side: yes
1 point


Side: yes
-3 points
2 points

that's cool man

but you are still a bit of a gay just like pirates

Side: yes
3 points

Of course not. Ever heard of the term "wench"? The butt-secks thing came with modern sailors, not pirates.

Side: No
3 points

I think you're confusing old age pirates with new age sailors.

Side: No
3 points

I've read accounts of pirates raping women and even paying their life's worth in gold to see a woman strip. Homosexuals? I think not.

Side: No
1 point

lol no, just because they are at seas for month out dosnt mean they are..........................................................

Supporting Evidence: rta cabinets (
Side: No