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Debate Score:6
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t-roy(362) pic

Are we in virtual reality and just don't know it?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 3

This is an old question my brother. I think their was a movie on if about twenty years ago called the matrix. so which do you want the red pill or the blue?

living without God in your life is a virtual reality. Meaning it's not real, only fake and temporary. As you find out when you die before being Saved. Satan offers a virtual reality that looks good for a while but then you die and pay the bill for eternity. Not worth it.

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes only by becoming the watermelon will the human race finally understand the realms of our consciousness. Truly virtual.

Side: Yes
2 points

If that were true there would be a whole lot more loose women and gun play.

Side: No
1 point

no to create virtual reality it takes electronic microchips that would have to be connected to every part of the brain which is impossible because that many microchips wouldn't fit into the brain. or there would have to be an electronic device that worked the same way as the brain worked at sending sensory information except it would get sensory information from a computer instead of the outside world and it would have to be implanted into the brain where the brain would first receive the sensory information from the outside world but it would receive sensory information from the implant instead. another way is if they replaced someone's eyes with electronic eyes that worked the same way as real eyes did at sending sensory information but it would get sensory information from a computer not the outside world then they could be in virtual reality without knowing it if they replaced all the sensory organs with electronics that got sensory information from a computer.

Side: No