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There is possibility... You watch SF movies too much..
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 There is possibility... (4)

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IzetFazlinov(177) pic

Are we living in a computer simulation?

If we are able to create such diverse virtual universes how can we be sure that we are not just part of some computer simulation. Starting of program is something we percive as the beginning of time - something arises from nothing. Loading of  textures, sounds, components we percieve as expansion of universe.  Someone who created the program we consider the God. He has all the features of diety : he is omnipotent, he is the creator, he is behind the time, reality and any dimension. He has given us free will and jet he can anytime change the outcome by his intervention.

Here I wish to add somethin. If we could create simulation of the world in future it is possible that we are simulated by just another simulation. And what simulates that simulation is also simulation of some another simulation.  It could be scalar.

Also it could be circular. Maybe if we create simulation, that simulation which is created by us is maybe simulating simulation that simulates us.

Interestining idea.....

There is possibility...

Side Score: 4

You watch SF movies too much..

Side Score: 0

There is some scientific research done on this topic. There is possibility, but not huge possibility

Side: There is possibility...
1 point

I think it's a very interesting notion and there is some empirical support for this idea. But I have to wonder what the point of programming other planets and solar systems into the simulation was given we're not there. Of course, I'm assuming that we're integral to the simulation in asking that question. Maybe we're just junk code. Worse yet, we're spam with our branded T-shirts and Nike shoes! OMG!

Side: There is possibility...

So long as we only have our own perspective to go off of, nothing we 'know' is assured.

The chances could be unfathomably small, but with even a shred of doubt, it is a possibility.

Side: There is possibility...

what would be really wierd is if we are all really babies right now and are living our lifes and then we experience them for instance ww2 is actually going on right now

Side: There is possibility...
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