
Debate Info

Wear less appealing clothes Do more about the rapists
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Wear less appealing clothes (1)
 Do more about the rapists (3)

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Quocalimar(6470) pic

Are women responsible for being attacked sexually?

Some believe that it's the fault of women wearing revealing clothes that tempt men with their uncontrolled hormones to rape them.

Others believe that it's actually the fault of the men, who know their extremness, and don't do anythign about it.

Regardless of what people believe, what do you believe? 

Do you think to prevent rape, women should wear uglier clothing or, more needs to be done about the rapists?

A funny picture about the rapist mentailty

Wear less appealing clothes

Side Score: 1

Do more about the rapists

Side Score: 3
1 point

Sorry to be the first one on this side but um

To me, rapists are seen as pedophiles and murderers to me, I don't know. Most have a problem, and there are these sorts of people in the world.

I wouldn't say less appealing clothing but less provocative.

You're ultimately provoking the rapist, in my opinion.

Side: Wear less appealing clothes
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

No problem you are entitled to your opinion.

If the women are responsible, which is basically what you're arguing, that would mean that little children who don't even know what being sexy is, provoke their attackers and that it's not the attacker's fault. Is that what you are agreeing to? If it is, there is no more we could argue.

Side: Do more about the rapists
whoberries(15) Clarified
1 point

No no oh my god no

I was trying to imply that there are messed up people in this world.

I'm not really well educated on pedophilia and what goes on so I can't say much, but to avoid getting things stolen, being jumped, maybe even murdered, there are things you avoid doing to try to lower the possibility of it happening.

Dressing less provocatively is one of the things, in my opinion, to lower your chances of being raped. There are obviously other things you do to avoid this happening to you, like never leaving your drink unattended, always sticking with a friend/never being alone and what not.

Catch my drift?

Side: Wear less appealing clothes

Did the clothes rape the poor woman? No, the rapist did.

Regardless what the woman is wearing, the rapist performed the crime.

Side: Do more about the rapists

I completely agree. The rapist would have wanted the victim any way he could get them, so nothing the person was wearing or wasn't wearing would have been a thought in the rapist's head.

Side: Do more about the rapists