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Debate Score:6
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Srom(12120) pic

Are words inadequate to describe human experiences?


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 2

I feel that with the way imagination differs so greatly amongst people is evidence that words will never be able to fully express the experience itself.

For example, I was online reading a joke, it made me laugh it was maybe the best joke I ever heard. I then went to try to explain this to someone, yet when they heard my explanation of the events that lead to me having the best laugh of my life, they gave me a blank stare.

Side: Yes
1 point

Maybe. There are other arts forms (thinking particularly of music) that seem to express things that words alone can't.

Side: Yes
1 point

English is a fabulous language for communicating factual and technical information. It's a unwieldy language for communicating emotional content. You have to be a Shakespeare to really work the language for that level of emotional expression. The Semitic languages (e.g. Hebrew and Arabic) seem to be much better at communicating emotion than English and the other Romance languages.

Side: Yes

Books have described human experiences quite well. It's not easy, but it's doable.

Side: No
Zareena(59) Disputed
1 point

its the same as mayonnaise - not easy but doable. but you just cant hold the mayo - you have to really give it a go

Side: Yes

Words are really the only way effective and efficient method of communication. Books are great means of describing experiences.

Side: No