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 Ask Shout (29)

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Ask Shout

Well .. I don't know if there's anything you'd like to know the answer to from me, but I saw this debate made by Andy, and I'm kinda bored, my girl is still with her grandma so I thought .. what the hell?    Ask me something, I know everything! Literally

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What are your religious beliefs? .

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

I don't have any religious beliefs. I was raised a christian, but it wasn't long till I found out that I didn't really believe in what the bible teaches. I know a lot about christianity, since I was in sunday school every sunday, and I even have a few verses from the bible that I really like, because even though it is a fairy tale to me, there are a lot of good stories and some of the "advice" on how to live your life aren't that bad. Love you neighbour and all the other classic bible ''quotes'' is something everyone should keep in mind.

I call myself an agnostic atheist - primarily because I hate to have the title atheist, because I think people who identify themselves as atheist are often arrogant and closed-minded to other religions, and I'm neither of those. The second reason why I don't identify myself as an atheist is because I still believe there is a chance that I'm wrong, and there really is a superior being we can't communicate with.

1 point

I dont understand how you can be an agnostic atheist. I thought they were different.

1 point

You’re bored and so am I. Lots of questions, feel free to disregard any or be as brief as you want.

Referencing your profile - You:

I like your name, Ella. Is it your real name or an alias? My name’s Wil

What do you look like?

What kind of music do you like?

Any favorite fine artists, movies or literature?

Favorite animal?

If you could have super powers what would they be, and why?

If you could change into any animal in the world? Which one for water, for land, for air?

1 point

Yeah my real name is Ella, even though everyone here refer to me as shout.

I have a pretty standard skandinavian look. Blue eyes, blond hair .. pale white skin.

I like all kinds of music - it would be easier for me to answer which genres I don't like, because there are actually only two. Blues and hard core metal. Those are the only one's I never listen to.

I love science fiction novels - I've read harry potter, the hunger games and a lot of danish books in that genre.

My favorite animal would probably be .. I don't know. I don't generally like having pets but .. bunnies are cute.

If I could have a superpower I would definitely want to fly, that would be a practical skill to have, even though it's .. really mainstream.

I would change into that weird fish in nemo with the light bulp on his forehead, leapard just to see how it would be to run 80 kilometers pr. hour and finally a butterfly.

Coldfire(998) Clarified
1 point

I have a pretty standard skandinavian look. Blue eyes, blond hair .. pale white skin.

So does my wife. Me, I’m like a Neanderthal; tall, hairy and darker complexion

Blues and hard core metal.

I can associate with you on the blues, just not my thing. But my passion is symphonic power metal, like Finnish band Sonata Arctica and Dutch band Within Temptation! I LOVE Sharon lol. Best female vocalist. My favorite male vocalist was Norway born Roy Khan, before he left the band Kamelot.

Anyway, you probably don’t care about any of that, but if Within Temptation’s song called Aquarius doesn’t change your mind about symphonic metal, then I don’t know what will.

I love science fiction novels

Me too. My favorite authors include Isaac Asimov (also a great philosopher) and Frank Herbert.

I also love fantasy, especially the way HP Lovecraft paints a vivid picture of a dreamscape and alludes to the mysterious unknown.

If I could have a superpower I would definitely want to fly, that would be a practical skill to have, even though it's .. really mainstream.

That would be a great thing to be able to do. I imagine a few super powers would allow flight as a bonus. Like shape shifting or telekinesis. Personally, I always thought slowing down or speeding up time would be cool.

weird fish in nemo with the light bulp on his forehead

An angler fish? Wicked looking things; give me the creeps lol.

leapard just to see how it would be to run 80 kilometers pr

I think a cheetah typically can go 90 km/h, and 120 in short sprints!

hour and finally a butterfly.

Lovely. My daughter Ravyn would choose the same.

1 point


Kimie is precious, is she your only kid? I have three beautiful daughters. Ravyn, Charlotte, and Dahlia :)

Was it difficult to choose a name? I like what you decided upon.

Is it hard raising her at your age? My first daughter was born when I was 20.

Do you have adequate support? (Emotional, financial, familial, spousal)

Is Kimie’s daddy a good one? Or a deadbeat?

How do you feel about what to do when children misbehave? Or is it too early to tell?

What’s the short version of your opinion on public school system and curriculum?

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

Yeah Kimie is my only child, I'm not planning on having more kids any time soon, since I'm not with Kimie's father and I'm 18 and in the middle of school.

Yeah it was very difficult, because there were soooo many names I loved. If I lived in America, I would definitely have chosen the name Noah, because I think it is too cute, but it isn't nearly as cute in danish. Then there was the name Emma that I totally adored, but since my name is Ella, I thought it would be a little too much.

Then I stumbled on the name Kimie, and just fell in love with it right away. The name I saw was spelled Kimi though, but I added an e .. the other one looked to much like Kiwi.

Yeah it is really hard to raise a kid, not because of my age but because I am in school. I am certain that as soon as I am done with that, and I can get a real job and provide for my daughter then it'll be easier for me.

Well.. Kimie's dad has seen her twice in her ten month old life. The first time he came to the hospital to see her right after she was born, and the second time I randomly met him on the street, so he got to say hello to her. I guess that is pretty much the definition of a deadbeat. He has not helped in any way, not even financially. I've tried to include him in stuff - like giving her a name, but he didn't seem to be interested at all.

I don't really think a ten month old can misbehave, but the time will come soon where I will have to .. raise her, I guess. I've read a couple of books, but to be honest I am terrified of accidentally raising a spoiled bitch :I

I think public school are awesome for those who can't afford the other option. Personally I would prefer a private school, since they're generally better, at least in Denmark. I don't really have an opinion on curriculum, can you explain what you mean?

Coldfire(998) Clarified
1 point

Yeah it was very difficult, because there were soooo many names I loved.

I can understand, once its picked that’s it! I wouldn’t have had much trouble if it wasn’t for my wife, shes under the impression that the mom chooses names for a daughter and for boys the dad can help… maybe. ;)

Some of my favorite names were Lily, Lilith, Violet, Elly, Liru, Ila, Luna, Eluna, Elohna… I just love “L”s for girl's names.

Yeah it is really hard to raise a kid, not because of my age but because I am in school. I am certain that as soon as I am done with that, and I can get a real job and provide for my daughter then it'll be easier for me.

It will be. But it’s great that you’re staying in school despite the difficulty. I love knowledge, and you’re WAAAY smarter than I was at your age.

Well.. Kimie's dad has seen her twice in her ten month old life.

That’s unfortunate; Im sorry to hear that. He’s missing out, children can be stinkers but they are great fun too. And they really change your perspective on life.

but the time will come soon where I will have to .. raise her, I guess. I've read a couple of books, but to be honest I am terrified of accidentally raising a spoiled bitch :I

Lol, I can relate, I was worried too.

My first daughter was an angel until about 5 when she started living with her mom (got a divorce with my first wife) now shes a little spoiled but not nearly as bad as my middle child, shes a real testy one. My youngest is still too young to tell. I like to think I know how to raise a kid to not be a brat, I studied child psychology in college which was fun. The hardest thing about it all really is competing with the other parent. I say something and my wife will undermine me, then wonder why our daughters have trouble trusting what I say without moms approval, I feel like one of the kids sometimes. Anyway, its obvious I need to go rant about that to someone lol.

Personally I would prefer a private school, since they're generally better, at least in Denmark.

They are in the US as well. At least in my opinion.

I don't really have an opinion on curriculum, can you explain what you mean?

The curriculum is what the school teaches. The various courses and electives offered.

What I was asking was in regards to the material that is taught and the method used to teach. Here in the US critical thinking is virtually nonexistent in the public school curriculum, instead, they teach based on how well students remember given information. (instead of teaching kids how to think, they teach them what to think). In the US they also slip persuasive dialog and material in the curriculum that teaches unwavering patriotism, and obedience to authority, as a result we have generations growing up thinking “this is the best country,” “communism is evil,” "consumerism is good," ""my duty is to accumulate debt and submit to employment," “our soldiers deserve our devotion,” etc. without ever really knowing why.

1 point


How does someone from Denmark identify as a Libertarian? What does it entail in your country? I’m a libertarian by US standards, but I realize there have been different meanings throughout history.

What kind of government does Denmark have? How do you feel about it?

Do you feel like there is a lot of corruption in your government?

What kind of economy does Denmark have? How much tax revenue does it gather and how is it distributed? How do you feel about Denmark’s economy?

How do you feel about US politics and economy?

What’s the popular opinion in Denmark regarding US politics and economy?

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

A danish libertarian compared to an american libertarian are not at all the same. They are very much the opposite, somehow.

Denmark has a wel-fare system, and in order to have a system like this, high taxes are a given.

There is no party in the danish parlament who thrives for a system like America, where people pay almost no taxes, but don't get free education, health care and so on.

A danish libertarian wants to pay the smallest amount of taxes we can manage, but still get the good stuff - health care, education and so on (there are a lot more than these two we get free, but these are the most typical examples)

A danish socialist does not mind paying most of his payment in taxes. 50% for average people, up to 80% for millionairs. With these extremely high taxes you will of course get a reward. Socialist would like, that when people retire they still get paid till the day they die, every month, the same payment they got while working, and that payment comes from the high taxes they once paid.

It's very different from America.

Libertarian vs. socialist is usually about money and taxes.

Then there is the conservative vs. modern opinions, or something. Conservatives fought against homoseksual marriages, abortion and .. yeah they are like the opposite to most of those things, if you get me. They are like the american republicans, and the moderns are way more liberal in that area.

Right now the socialists have taken over in Denmark, which is good and bad. We've got our first female president, and it's nice to be one of the few countries who've tried that. Unfortunately she's not very popular at the moment, some say she will not be president for a full term (she started in 2012, so her term should end in 2016, but it'll probably be over before that if the opposition decides to take down the government, and they can easily do that, since the opposition is bigger than the government) so there is probably going to be a reelection soon.

If you are interested in how our political system works, there is a brilliant tv-show - the characters and the parties are fictional, but the system is just the same, it's really good and I think it is possible to watch it with english subtitles, because it's been shown in England, if I remember correctly. The show is called Borgen.

1 point


Reading other posts I see you are agnostic. For shits and giggles, what would your heaven be like if it turns out there is such a place?

Where do you stand on the free will vs determinism debate?

How do you feel about the egg theory?

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

What is more real? Mind or matter?

You have the opportunity to offer one piece of advice to little Kimie which she will understand and take with her as she grows. What is your advice?

What defines Beauty?

If you do something that can be considered wrong, yet nobody knows nor ever will know about it, was it wrong to do? What defines what is wrong if you wanted to do it?

Can we experience happiness without also experiencing sadness?

Do we see the same colors? (Excluding people with known color blindness)

Tons more, I love philosophy, but Ill leave you alone for now ;)

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

For shits and giggles, what would your heaven be like if it turns out there is such a place?

I imagine the same world we live in - the same earth and the same universe, except without negativity. No wars, no jails, no crimes .. and so on.

I don't believe in absolute free will. I think us humans survive best as a union, and in order to have a civilized society you need some rules. I am definitely more of a libertarian when it comes to ehtical subjects, but I like that there are some laws preventing me to do certain things - drinking under age, for example.

To be honest I've never heard of the egg theory, but it's indeed an interesting theory. Very thought provoking.

I would change... hm .. what would I change? You know, I would change the fact that we are in the middle of destroying our own planet. The chances of our descendants to find a new planet suitable for us to live on is not that big, and we need to stop to treat our earth like a trashcan, if we want to continue living here.

I think mind is more real... or I don't know. Without my mind I can't experience matter.

wow, that is a though one. I would tell Kimie to follow her heart and dreams. I know it's sounds cliché, but .. pursuing your dreams, even though you might fail, will make you happy - or that's what I believe.

Beauty is something you enjoy sensing. you can hear it, taste it, see it, feel it or smell it.

I think a wrong thing to do is when you know deep in your heart you did something, no matter how hard you try to convince your mind it's okay.

No I don't think you can experience happiness without sadness. Just as you can't experience life without death.

Yes, I don't believe the thing some people do, my red is your green and .. you know that theory. When women pick clothes, there are some very basic rules on which color fits to other colors, and I would think we would be much more in disagreement if every woman saw a different color for each name.

What is Denmark like?

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

Denmark is nice. What do you want to know? Weather? or .. politics? :p

Idiotobx914(1339) Clarified
1 point

I don't know... :D