
Debate Info

Battlefield Call of Duty
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Battlefield (2)
 Call of Duty (3)

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lolzors93(3225) pic

Battlefield vs. COD

Which game franchise is better?


Side Score: 4

Call of Duty

Side Score: 4
2 points

BF is way better than CoD, BF3 wasnt as great as it could have been, but CoD sucks, its fun, its just way too easy

Side: Battlefield
2 points

I like both but the reason why I am choosing Battlefield is because it is more realistic and the graphics are amazing! In Mw3 if you are a sniper guy and you try to snipe people you can't because they have machine guns that can fire across the map and that isn't realistic.

Side: Battlefield
Micmacmoc(2259) Disputed
2 points

"That isn't realistic"

Making things realistic for these games is always a problem, and the creators do all sorts of games outside so that they can experience what their games may have been like in real life, and how they may not have been - in order to make the games more realistic and therefore more entertaining.

When I read your post, though, it seemed to me that the issue wasn't in the guns themselves, it was to do with the map size. Realistically, the guns are very true on the game as they would be in real life and you have to respect the creators of the game because of this. However the maps aren't realistic at all. Some of the largest maps on both of the games are tiny compared to how they would be in real life and because of how small they are, having snipers bears little, if not no advantage at all.

It has nothing to do with the fact that the machine guns are too powerful.

Side: Call of Duty
1 point

The only thing I play in Call of Duty is multiplayer, zombies, and campaign. The graphics are good but they need to change the range in machine guns and make the weapons more balanced and not have so many overpowered weapons.

Side: Call of Duty
1 point

If I had to choose between Asstivision (Activision) and Electronic Assholes (EA), I'd choose Asstivision every time.

Activision, each year for several years now, has basically been releasing a new version of exactly the same game. Games that should've been only updates and upgrades to the previous or rather an expansion, not a whole game worth 60 or whatever they ask for them, but 20 tops and no more. They milk consumers who cannot see that they are simply giving away their money for essentially nothing new. Basically selling exactly the same product over and over again.

Have you any idea how many great stories EA has ruined? Game, the gameplay, is one thing, but if a story gets fucked up... that's a whole new level of idiocy. Games and stories that were fucked up:

1) Command and Conquer (both Tiberium universe and Red Alert) The Tiberium universe was very original and the way the story was supposed to go was beyond great in my mind. It had so much potential, and they destroyed it.

2)Mass Effect, of course

3)I've read that Battlefield is also messed up

4)then there is The Sims (how much do you have to pay for the whole thing? I'll give you a hint, 300 dollars)

5)there was some Star Wars game (rather recent), MMO I think and that failed miserably

6)their own title Need for Speed (you could easily see the decline in Carbon, after that... completely down the shitter)

7)Dragon Age. First one was okay, after that... not even worth a mention.

8)Crysis. Yeah, the aliens from New York were wiped out... so, how exactly can they still be there? And a bow, really? How very original in a world of high technology. You can clearly see that they are simply trying to play with emotions of consumers to get them to buy that crap. They simply shoveled in "exciting" aspects (a destroyed city overgrown with a jungle; a guy goes rambo with a bow; aliens; a dome over a city; some powerful and evil organization; the rambo dude going against high tech with fists and clubs, the club being the bow) without thinking about originality and whether any of it actually makes sense and is in accordance with previous events.

9)many others

Everything EA touches it ruins and destroys, they consume developers and make them their bitches. All EA cares about is hoarding money without putting any effort into anything. How much do you have to pay to get the FULL EXPERIENCE out of one of their games? That means paying for the initial game and the very soon to come DLCs. 200 dollars? More? You end up paying hundreds of dollars for just one game.

If you are smart you won't support either of these companies.

You want some FPS action? Go for Steam, there's Team Fortress 2 (fun game) and a new one Blacklight: Retribution (tried it, seems okay), they are both FREE, steam itself is FREE, you don't have to pay anything to play them. There are also other free games there. Not to mention Steam has frequent discounts.

If you buy an EA or Activision game you don't get what you payed for, you get far far less. With EA and Activision you only lose money, in relation to the real worth of the product.

I hate those companies and what they are doing to gaming industry.

Be smart and do not give these companies your money, do not support their idiotic ways.

Side: Call of Duty