
Debate Info

Beach Mountain
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Beach (1)
 Mountain (3)

Debate Creator

KingOfPopForever(6910) pic

Beach or Mountains?


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 3
1 point

Who the fuck picks a mountain over a beach unless you are like a monk or something?

Side: Beach

I have a pool so I would have to go with the higher ground, mountains are beautiful anyways.

Side: Mountain

I love my mountains. I am surrounded by them where I live, and I love them.

I am not the beachy type. I'm terrified of jellyfish so I would never get near the water and I hate wearing swimsuits.

Side: Mountain

I prefer the beauty of the mountains. When I visit there, I can take in all of their majestic splendor and meditate on the beauty.

Side: Mountain