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You can eat pets It's more wealth at the top
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:6
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 You can eat pets (1)
 It's more wealth at the top (1)

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Witness1(37) pic

How is Socialism run by powerful wealthy men better than Capitalism?

You can eat pets

Side Score: 1

It's more wealth at the top

Side Score: 3

How is Socialism run by powerful wealthy men

You are such a jaw dropping retard, Bronto.

Seriously, only you could pretend socialism is capitalism and then attack socialism for the faults of capitalism. The very basis of socialism is the idea that it is unfair when a society is run by a few powerful, wealthy individuals. Hence, the very problem socialism was designed to address is what you are pretending socialism is. Or maybe you really do believe that. It certainly would not surprise me because you are a bona fide moron.

Side: You can eat pets
Dermit(39) Disputed
2 points

You never answered how giving Bernie Sanders, who is cool with himself having many homes, all of the money, is any different than giving it to Elon Musk and Warren Buffet. 🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣🤣😂

Side: It's more wealth at the top
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