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 Best concert you have attended? (19)

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Best concert you have attended?

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2 points

I've only attended one concert so I guess its the Muse concert I went too :D Which was epic!

aeleenpresto(1) Clarified
1 point

I have recently attended tony award winning plays in new-york which was a Broadway event and it was really superb.

2 points

best concert? that's easy.

i haven't attended one.

slinks to some dark corner bleh ._.

1 point

It's just the 'bleh' and the ._. face that made it for me ;)

2 points

Never really attended a concert.

1 point

welcome to the club! :D

1 point

Thanks! I hope to attend some sort of concert.

2 points

Last night I saw Grouplove, Alt-J, Phoenix, and Bastille!

1 point

now i'm totally jealous! :C

If I had to pick, it would probably be HFStival in 2003, all things considered.

1 point

The best concert I have attended in my entire life would have to be Kanye West Yeezus tour. I went this past Sunday and it was truly amazing.

1 point

most def not.. Kanye west is douche bag self centered and santanic rapper

SoapySaul(5) Disputed
1 point

First of I thought we where talking about "Best Concert you have attended"? Not personal opinions on rappers moral characther, if those where even correct. Tell me then since you so strongly disagree whats the best concert you have gone too!

TDEhIIIpower(4) Disputed
1 point

Kendrick Lamar & his TDE krew put on the best concert beliieevve that! troll lol

When I saw Paul McCartney live in concert. So many memories came back to me of The Beatles.

1 point

I've only been to one concert and it was the For King and Country Burn the Ships world tour. It was absolutely breathtaking.