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 Bette Midler drops the most INSANE response to the London Terror Attack (4)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Bette Midler drops the most INSANE response to the London Terror Attack

On Saturday, London was hit with yet another deadly Islamist attack three jihadists murdered seven civilians and injured 48 others by plowing a van into a crowd of pedestrians and stabbing people in local bars and restaurants. One witness said they heard one of the murderous jihadists say, "This is for Allah" mid-attack, and the Islamic State later claimed credit for the attacks. As we've seen time and again, there was innocent blood spilled in the name of Allah by jihadists adhering to a radical interpretation of Islam. However, this was lost on self-appointed anti-terror expert Bette Midler, who decided the attack was the fault of "men and religion," both of which she labeled "worthless." 

The Progressive Hollywood star avoids the reality that Islamist want to spill her blood as well ! 

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3 points

Well, Midler, like Griffin (including quite a number of women who happen to be libturds, come to think of it) is worthless. From her nonsense and her head dressing, she must have recently had brain surgery - or extraction, I should say - and the doctor left a sponge in her head as a replacement.

She's a clown indeed. But sadly, the other clowns are grouping up to make an Armageddon circus. I'd say it can't get worse, but just wait.

2 points

Don't worry, the next libtard that opens his/her mouth will say something even more foolish, just give it time.

1 point

Bette Midler is an old has been.

Yet, despite that fact, these attacks are by far done by men, and overwhelmingly done in the name of religion.

So even though she is an old has been, she isn't the one who is insane.

outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Hello Leftist was the London Terrorist Attack not done by Muslims ?