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 Black Unemployment in Baltimore (3)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Black Unemployment in Baltimore

Baltimore is located in the richest state in the country, Maryland, which makes comparing the incomes of blacks in Baltimore to the median income of the state overall particularly stark, with an almost $40,000 a year a difference in earnings.The gross disparity in income has a lot to do with jobs.For young black men between the ages of 20 and 24, the unemployment rate was an astounding 37% in 2013, according to the most recent data available from the U.S. Census Bureau. That's compared with 10% for white men of the same age.
How can this happen after 48 years of Progressive rule ? 
1967 to Present - Baltimore has been run by Progressives
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2 points

Once again the black man is inferring that his misfortune is the fault of the white man. What I know is that, generally speaking, blacks have a congenital aversion to education which doesn't help them find employment at the end of their formal education. Also, in every country in which blacks reside the common denominator is their predisposition to crime. How come after all the anti- racist discrimination laws being passed to ensure blacks equality of opportunity they're still whinging and blaming everyone but themselves for their plight. Laws don't change people's minds nor endear them to those who recognize that the presence of the black man is a hindrance to the advancement of their country and a drain on the taxpayers hard earned dosh. I visit America regularly but I wouldn't go into any of the black districts which they have claimed for themselves. How come we don't have large black corporations whose innovation, manufacturing techniques and marketing skills can create 100s of 1000s of jobs? Ask yourself this, would you prefer to be a white man seeking employment in South Africa, Zimbabwe or any African country for that matter, or a black looking for work in the United States of America? Any white man job hunting in Africa would stand a good chance of being machete'd to death. Blacks should thank their God for the privilege of living in a nation with a predominately white executive administration.

I was born in Baltimore and I know how the present circumstances relate to Baltimore's past. Baltimore was a segregated city and the movie, "Hairspray," echoed the segregated element when it was proclaimed, "Once a month, we have our Negro Day." Blockbusters during the 50's and early 60's caused the present situation of economic chaos when they would purchase a home in an all-white neighborhood and go door to door alarming the neighbors with: "Do you know what just moved into your neighborhood?" Then, For Sale signs would appear in droves on the frown lawns of the houses. It was the main agenda of the Blockbusters to drive down property values in all-white neighborhoods. Their agenda worked because the whites moved out and then the ghettoes were created.

Sure, Progressives are running the Government of Baltimore but it is an inherited problem that no one can fix because the poverty is too widespread in Baltimore. It was the Conservatives who fled the all-white neighborhoods when a single Black family moved in that caused the terrible economic situation along with the high crime rate in present day Baltimore.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

So you can't lay claim to the destruction of Baltimore due to Progressive politics because it has been caused by Conservatives who fled ? Do What ?

Show me a Conservative who has run Baltimore since 1967 !

All the information has been provided by links.