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 Boycott 2011 blockbuster Thor! (6)

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TERMINATOR(6781) pic

Boycott 2011 blockbuster Thor!
The makers of Thor have hired a negro actor to play Heimdall, a GERMANIC god. Such blatant disrespect for the German people CANNOT be tolerated.

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Damn political correctness.

1 point

I agree with you if the reason that he was chosen as an actor for the movie was diversification then I support this, I do not support favoritism of any kind, I think the world should be based solely on merit (that'll be the day). If he was chosen because the movie company believed his acting would fit the role well then good for him, I wish him well, even though technically it is very incorrect.

Side: I am not a racist
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

It doesn't matter how good an actor is, you don't have a black man play a white character.

If they had Christian Bale as Martin Luther King, Jr., there would be complaints.

Side: I am not a racist
1 point

That is a disgrace, Germany won't be happy about this...

Don't worry Termy I wont see Thor! ( More than likely wouldn't have anyway )

Side: Dammit Hollywood
1 point

If anything you should be upset that Thor is being played by Chris Hemsworth... that pretty boy looks like a pussy, not like Thor.

Side: Dammit Hollywood