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Debate Score:10
Total Votes:12
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yujin1234(10) pic

Bribery is a good method to educate students

Bribery is a good method to educate students?

Please write current issues and scientific experiences to support your reasons


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 5
3 points

yes bribery is a good method to educate students. mid day meals are also done for educating students. children who can't afford school fees go to these kind of schools... although mid day meal is an indirect method of bribery.

Side: yes
2 points

well bribery does help in educating students. thats what they do at mid day meals for students who can't afford going to school because of different causes. at least in India, the govt. has taken these steps to educate children who can't afford school fees. although this is an indirect means of bribery...

Side: yes

No, incentives would be better because giving money to students will only miss guide than even further.


Eliminate the cartel, that is the public school cartel.

Side: No
aveskde(1935) Disputed
1 point

Eliminate the cartel, that is the public school cartel.

You realise that public schools are what has been holding fundamentalism at bay?

Just watch these videos if you want to see how rabid fundamentalists are towards public education:

You'd be playing into their hands.

Side: No
2 points

By bribery, do you mean paying students for good grades?

If so, I believe the long term effect of this would be detrimental. When people are presented with external rewards for performing well on a certain task, their intrinsic motivation for that task diminishes; in other words, students may come to feel that studying is not worth the effort unless they are paid for it. Once the reward is no longer offered, they may have an extremely difficult time motivating themselves to acquire knowledge for knowledge's sake.

Side: No