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Debate Score:57
Total Votes:60
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 Disagree (30)

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TheEccentric(3381) pic

Buddhism is not a religion

I will post reasons why it is not in my first argument on this debate.


Side Score: 19


Side Score: 38




1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, esp. a personal God or gods.

Buddhists do not believe in and worship a superhuman controlling power, so Buddhism is not a religion.

In google, we trust

Side: Agree
GuitarGuy(6096) Disputed
2 points

Wow... Where did you get that shitty definition? There is so much more to a religion than that.

Side: Disagree
2 points

I agree that definition is off, just look at some of the Pagan religions that worship nature and the earth nothing supernatural there but its a religion all the same

Side: Disagree
pakicetus(1455) Clarified
1 point

In Uranus.


Side: Agree
Idiotobx914(1339) Clarified
1 point

Google web definitions. Why do you think I put In google we trust at the end of my argument?

Side: Agree
Nebeling(1117) Disputed
1 point

Buddhists do not believe in and worship a superhuman controlling power, so Buddhism is not a religion.

Well... You could say that Buddhist don't believe in a personal God and you would be right. But dependent origination is like the fundamental teaching of Buddhism, so it's important to see what this concept means. Depending on interpretation it means that nothing has "self-hood". Buddhists don't posit some being that controls everything, they do posit that the nothing controls anything. In this sense, Buddhism borders on pantheism. It doesn't contradict Buddhist teachings to say that everything is controlled by everything. So we could say that the universe in a sense, is controlling us.

Side: Disagree
1 point

Well... You could say that Buddhist don't believe in a personal God and you would be right.


But dependent origination is like the fundamental teaching of Buddhism, so it's important to see what this concept means.

I don't know what "dependent origination" means, nor do I think theeccentric knows either (right?). If it was the fundamental teaching of Buddhism, I'm sure people would know about it.

Depending on interpretation it means that nothing has "self-hood".

Depending on interpretation, CreateDebate could be a dating website.

Buddhists don't posit some being that controls everything, they do posit that the nothing controls anything

theeccentric? Ya, do you posit (assume as fact) that the nothing controls anything?

In this sense, Buddhism borders on pantheism.

In this sense, CreateDebate is a dating website.

So we could say that the universe in a sense, is controlling us.

I want you to go up to a Buddhist and ask them this; "does the universe control us?".

Side: Agree
3 points

All religions share eight common elements:

Belief system- Your worldview

Community- Buddhist

Central myths- Buddha's enlightenment

Ritual- Meditation, Mantras, etc.

Ethics- The teachings of Buddha

Characteristic emotional experiences- Rebirth

Material expression- Statues of Buddha

Sacredness- Buddhist temples, Buddhist Statues, etc.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I can't believe this list of criteria hasn't caught on yet :/

Side: Disagree
1 point

It's the true definition of a religion... TheEccentric will probably dispute me though.

Side: Disagree
1 point

First of all the Buddha's enlightenment was not a myth. There is evidence to support his existence. Second of all to many Buddhists sacredness does not exist. We know it is only the mind that holds thing as sacred, nothing is inherently. At the end of the day a Buddha statue is just a load of rock, metal or wood and a Dharma text is just paper. That is why some Zen masters use Buddha statues as firewood.

Side: Agree
GuitarGuy(6096) Disputed
1 point

First of all the Buddha's enlightenment was not a myth.

Myth- "ancient story: a traditional story about heroes or supernatural beings, often attempting to explain the origins of natural phenomena or aspects of human behavior".

Also, I'd like to point out that Siddhartha achieved enlightenment after meditating and seeing his "past lives". That's not the most believable story.

Second of all to many Buddhists sacredness does not exist.

Objects, actions, places and people, may be considered sacred.

If nothing is sacred in Buddhism, then is everything considered ordinary?

At the end of the day a Buddha statue is just a load of rock, metal or wood and a Dharma text is just paper.

Then why did you get offended when Nicki Minaj disrespected the Statue of Buddha?

Side: Disagree
1 point

How can it be a religion if there is no god or gods in this alleged religion? My mind is open.

Side: Agree
GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

Belief in a deity isn't a requirement for certain religions.

Side: Agree

Hell, as far as I am concerned atheism is a religion. ;)

Side: Disagree
GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

Nooooo! Not you! Please, take that back...

Side: Agree

Sigh. You do realize that my job here is to stir the pot, right? Anyway, I only take requests from allies so..., I allied you. Now I can take it back ;)

Side: Disagree
1 point

Buddhism has its doctrines. It has a cosmology and some metaphysics associated with it plus a set of practices. I am pretty sure it's a religion. What it is not is stupid.

Side: Disagree
1 point

But it does not involve worship (apart from a few sects) so it can not be a religion.

Side: Agree
Nebeling(1117) Disputed
3 points

Sure it can. Just because Buddhists are actively skeptical about a lot of things does not mean it is not a religion. I would claim that Buddhist worship life as it is, that is without judgement and clinging. Buddhism would have us worship thusness.

Side: Disagree
1 point

Does it have to be a specific being? Can't the supernatural power be enlightenment, Nirvana, etc. Isn't there a supernatural aspect that counts?

Side: Disagree
1 point

Enlightenment is not supernatural it is just realizing the truth of all phenomena and letting go of attachments which ends suffering.

Side: Agree
pakicetus(1455) Disputed
1 point

Are you enlightened?

Side: Disagree
1 point

But It Doesn't Happen In The Natural World. Therefore, Supernatural.

Side: Disagree
1 point

Stop being a hipster Buddhist; we all know it's a religion...

Side: Disagree
2 points

Just saying that doesn't make it true. Submit a decent argument or you can gtfo. Just because in a dictionary it says Buddhism is a religion doesn't make it so.

Side: Agree
1 point

Buddhism is both a philosophy and a religion built around that philosophy to say it isn't a religion is insulting and hurtful to the great many people who follow it as one, to argue that it isn't a religion is ridiculous as there are temples, monks, writings and followers all over the world that disprove this theory.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I follow Buddhism and I am not insulted or hurt, in any way by saying it is not are religion and I know plenty of other Buddhists who feel like wise. And there is a huge difference between a Monk in Western sense than in a Buddhist one, it is the same with temples.

Side: Agree
TheAshman(2298) Disputed
1 point

You follow Buddhism as a philosophy not a religion and your the one saying it's not a religion so of course your not going to be insulted or hurt but I have met a great many that follow it as a religion that would be. Please enlighten us all on the differences between eastern temples and monks that make them non religous

Side: Disagree