
Debate Info

He's dumber than dirty socks His brain is on off position
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:8
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 He's dumber than dirty socks (2)
 His brain is on off position (1)

Debate Creator

ColonelFry(23) pic

Burritolunch tries to call Orwell the Liberals' quotes 'right wing Nazi propagan

Burritolunch in reference to a debate about Orwell's opinions:
"So anyway, you are clearly an evil little retard who is using the Nazis' own propaganda as a weapon against the left."

He's dumber than dirty socks

Side Score: 3

His brain is on off position

Side Score: 2

Burritolunch tries to call Orwell the Liberals' quotes 'right wing Nazi propagan

1) That sentence is a total, balls-out clusterfuck of stupid grammar.

2) Orwell was a socialist, not a liberal.

3) Obviously at no point did I refer to anything Orwell said as Nazi propaganda, because Orwell was a socialist, not a Nazi.

Now that I've cleared that matter up for you, how about you goosestep back out the way you came?

Side: He's dumber than dirty socks
1 point

@ Burritoluch - He's another example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Side: He's dumber than dirty socks
1 point

@ - ColonelFry- You've inspired me. I'm going to to develop a scale of stupidity for idiots like you.

#1 will be normal and 10 will be rock dumb stupid. So far I see you at about a 9, but I'm gonna need you to make a few more posts so I can dial in your stupidity and once I do I'll announce your ranking on the idiot scoreboard. Remember, you're score can always go up so keep saying moronic shit and I really think you can make it all the way to the top. I'm counting on you son, don't let me down.

Side: His brain is on off position