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 Buttigieg accuses all Trump Supporters of Being Racist (7)

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Buttigieg accuses all Trump Supporters of Being Racist

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg accused President Trump supporters of being racist during a recent campaign stop in South Carolina. 

“Anyone who supported this President is at best looking the other way on racism, at best,” he said. 

Major Pete has been rejected by African Americans so are they racist.

Mayor Pete is just pushing the old tired Democrat narrative. 

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1 point

Mayor Pete can you make up your mind are the president's supporters Racist or Russians.

1 point

There are a lot of racists following Trump..............................................................................................

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You used to be one of them before your last melt down. Next week you will be his big supporter again.

Save us all your flip flops every other week.

Redeemed(1428) Disputed
0 points

Leave me alone, you fucking bigoted cunt! You owe me a fucking apology, for your lies.

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

You have no proof for a false accusation. So try again with some facts if you got them.

Redeemed(1428) Disputed
1 point

Prove me wrong, cunt....................................................................................................

He's just yet one more intolerant Democrat who lumps Trump supporters as being deplorable & irredeemable. They are the bigots who think like narrow minded racists.

Kind of like the Lefties on this site who spew their hatred against Conservatives and Bible believing Christians.

1 point

Those who find it impossible to outdo their opponents in logical debate usually find it necessary to engage in the gutter politics of launching a series of smear campaigns.

The problem is with such juvenile rhetoric is that most intelligent people can see through these thinly veiled attempts of character assassination.

To a greater or lesser extent racism exists throughout every society on earth.