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 California's Proposition 63 is more attack on gun owners (2)

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DBCooper(2194) pic

California's Proposition 63 is more attack on gun owners

California is the Land of Fruits and Nuts Gavin Newsom is the leader of that and by the way he's a Democrat !

California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom developed the ballot initiative. He’s running for governor of California in 2018.“I’m fighting to pass Prop. 63 because it will, without question, reduce gun violence and save lives,” Newsom said. The legislation would make Californians provide an ID card and have an immediate background check when trying to buy ammunition. Prop. 63 would make Californians get a four-year permit from the state’s Department of Justice. The DOJ would run a background check and have 30 days to approve the permit. Those applying would have to pay $50 and provide identifying information including a fingerprint. “Anyone who sincerely thinks gun violence is a problem won’t hesitate to support Prop. 63,” Newsom said.

Gavin Newsom is another seriously confused Democrat from California that is only driven by his twisted Leftist ideology. Gavin can wipe his uninformed backside with his Proposition 63 because it will never work. 

Black market sales will explode under his plan and how will the California Government stop that ?

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Does Proposition 63 include criminals getting a four year permit from the State of California's DOJ ?

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It really sucks because it is really just 2 major areas that can screw up everything for the whole state. And this extra background check doesn't stop law abiding citizens from getting ammo so the libs can claim it doesn't infringe on our rights. :(